Existential poems
Poems about life, existence, the universe and 42 (hope you understood that reference). They will make you think about the world in a different perspective.
Poems about life, existence, the universe and 42 (hope you understood that reference). They will make you think about the world in a different perspective.
This will be the second book of "Depression". I'll continue to write it, because I know you guys said to keep it going. Remember, you're not alone in the world. Stay Strong. > will give credits< - Alex ❤️
De•pres•sion /dèpreSH(e)n/ 1. The feeling of serve despondency and dejection "I'm often silent when I'm screaming inside." - CREDITS TO THE OWNER WHO WROTE SOME OF THESE--Will state the ones that are MINE. Don't fight me over this.
Just some poems I wrote. Like the title says these are poems about things relating to depression and stuff like that. I came up with all of them myself, so yeah. I didn't copy anything and if it seems like I did sorry!