A Love worth fighting for
An ongoing story of the romance between Nyssa Raatko and Sara Lance Dedicated to my best friend ever, I love you
An ongoing story of the romance between Nyssa Raatko and Sara Lance Dedicated to my best friend ever, I love you
Nyssa al Ghul was hunting late at night when she finds a woman running for her life. Little did she know that Sara Lance had just fallen off a ship and needs her help. When Sara appeals to the human side of Nyssa, the Heir to the Demon takes Sara back and nurses her back to health. Slowly, VERY SLOWLY, over time Nyssa...
A Nyssara FanFic (Arrow) Sara Lance is the sweet yet rebellious daughter of a police detective. Though co-captain of the cheerleading team, she wasn't the most popular girl in school, since she was branded a slut, for stealing someone else's boyfriend. But she doesn't let that get her down. Nyssa's the girl everyo...
Mi nombre es Sara Lance. Hace seis años, cuando Oliver Queen me invitó a pasar un noche romántica en su yate, desde ese momento en el que decidí lastimar a mi hermana Laurel, en ese instante en el que me alejé de casa, supe que mi vida iba a cambiar por siempre. Esa noche el Gambit,el barco en el que viajaba, se hundi...