An other daughter
What if the NCIS- family gets a new addition? I own nothing but Jasmine. cover is from:
What if the NCIS- family gets a new addition? I own nothing but Jasmine. cover is from:
No one said it was easy being a parent. Especially a step-mother to a moody 15 year old girl and a 9 year old boy. Emily Prentiss and Aaron Hotchner are in for one hell of a ride.
Criminal Mind love story (Jeid). Based of the date to the Redskins. Spencer loves JJ. JJ loves her Spence. Everyone knows it except them... How long will it take to admit their feelings? What will it take? You don't know what you have till you lose it...
Némán állt ott a földön fekvő élettelen testet figyelve, kezében ott csillogott a gyilkos fegyver mely alig pár perce egy ember életét oltotta ki. A városban néma csend uralkodott, még a közeli autópályáról se szűrődött be a járművek motorzúgásnak hangja ami nagyon ritka jelenségnek számított itt, Anglia fővárosában...
A nevem Cassandra Smith.17 éves vagyok, Maine-ben lakom. Hát nem egy New York, szóval nem kell hatalmas bevásárlóközpontokat, mozikat keresni. Persze itt is akad egy pár... Max fehete-fehér néma film megy benne sajnos. De mint minden ilyen kis városban itt is gyorsan terjednek a hírek. Két tizenéves fiú és egy megözve...
Emma egy 18 éves fiatal lány, akinek élete látszólag tökéletes, és mindene megvan amiről csak álmodhat. Kifinomult ízlése és jó tanulmányi eredményei ellenére a kissé konzervatív lány mindennapjai egyik napról a másikra változnak meg egy egyszerű véletlen miatt. A titokzatos kitetovált férfi, aki a pontos ellentéte a...
This is a fan fiction about a new agent at the BAU Darcy Blake. Just after a few months on the job she finds herself falling for the completely wrong person, but when a certain man intervenes her life changes completely. But the question is Can They Make This Work?
It's been 20 years since Special Agent Darcy Blake was shot by her ex-boyfriend Casper Donovan. Leaving behind her husband Dr. Spencer Reid and her son Jacob Reid. But when Casper kidnaps 1 year old Jacob he decides to raise him as his own 20 years later Jacob and his friends are about to endeavor into something that...
Emily finally breaks. She can't take the abuse, she can't take the pain. She gets the team together to finally tell. But there's little the team can do when she sees him standing behind her. Will Emily be okay? Will she finally get away from him? Or will he get to her before she can run away? You'll just have to read...
When Penelope gets back from her honeymoon, she notices a note on her door, keeping her living in constant fear. What did the note say? How will she handle it? But the real question is... Who put it on her door, and why did they put it there..?
Ziva is broken. She has had the times of her life with NCIS but things just don't change sometimes, and maybe, just maybe, things have become too much. Maybe the fearless ninja has broken, and no matter what therapy she gets, it's over. Maybe she is gone, beyond repair. Rated M for mature themes.
Ott feküdt az ágyon, szemét a semmibe meresztette és pislogás nélkül felém fordította fejét. - Hogy hívnak? - A 316-os lány. - 316? De....ez egy szám. - Egy sorszám.
Meet Eloise Beltz, an intelligent, resourceful young woman with a troubled past. She was living a normal life for a high above average woman. That was, of course, until she had decided to go out with her friends, and then she thought her life was ruined. But that was only the beginning...
After the traumatic break up between JJ and her husband Will, she has been through hard times being a single mother of a 6 year old. One day a man slips into her life. He shows her how to move on, how to be strong while being single, and how to take care of a child through it all. But one day, he slips up. He tells he...