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  • Godspeed
    460K 11.4K 30

    "What is a heart if not the ultimate clockwork?" Abigail's young life was saved by the kindness of strangers: Schuyler Algernon, the man who found her collapsed on cold city streets, and Quinn Godspeed, the doctor who risked everything by breaking the law to keep her fragile heart beating. As the truth about what she'...

  • Totally Dominated ->Yaoi
    212K 11.5K 30

    Yuri Seki, spionul de 19 ani, cel care-l ajuta pe tatal sau adoptiv sa zdrobeasca concurenta periculoasa de pe piata Niponiei. Cel care poate aduce cel mai secret dosar al concurentei, care isi face treaba de spion de mai bine de doi ani. El, incapatanatul, mandrul si orgoliosul Yuri Seki, se va lasa dominat de asa-zi...

  • Azrael's Stop
    453K 5.6K 25

    They say that people go there when they're ready to die. They say Death himself is a patron. That's where the tavern gets its name. Azrael's Stop. Watering hole for the Angel of Death. But that's just rumour. Ceph doesn't trade in rumour. He just serves drinks. Except, of course, that every couple of weeks, someone di...

  • True Born
    456K 8.1K 11

    Hey, Wattpad! I"M GIVING AWAY 10 DAYS OF TRUE BORN! Since you are the reason True Born has gone from a tiny novella to a full-length novel in a trilogy, it seems only fitting that I give back to you with a special sneak peak! True Born is hitting stores May 3rd, but I wanted to give you all a chance to see how the m...

  • A Quest of Heroes (Book #1 in the Sorcerer's Ring)
    1.3M 30.6K 28

    “A breathtaking new epic fantasy series. Morgan Rice does it again! This magical saga reminds me of the best of J.K. Rowling, George R.R. Martin, Rick Riordan, Christopher Paolini and J.R.R. Tolkien. I couldn’t put it down!” --Allegra Skye, Bestselling author of SAVED The epic coming of age story of one special boy, a...

  • Sextet
    34.3K 1.2K 18

    -Haide, învață-mă să fac muzică. Învață-mă să trăiesc! Râsul ei delicat străbătu cele mai întunecate canale ale sufletului său, și sclipirea din cenușiul ochilor ei îl readuse la viață. Din nou. -Nu fi copil. Muzica, la fel ca viața nu se face cât ai bate din palme. Trebuie să faci mici combinații. -Cum? -Uite așa, ră...

  • The Dirt Eaters
    498K 5.2K 24

    When Roan’s parents and the people of Longlight perish in a raid, Roan is filled with rage. Torn between his desire for revenge and the legacy of peace he has inherited, he is taken in by a sect of warriors. Here he learns he has exceptional talent as a fighter. But Roan is haunted by visions he can’t understand. When...

    6.6K 668 16

    Un tânăr evreu își primește pedeapsa: degetele îi sunt retezate! Visul său era să devină un renumit pianist, și copilul a îndrăznit să sfidere regimul. Și să lupte pentru visul său... Prins într-un joc clandestin la nivel înalt, tânărul va trebui să se hotărască în ce măsură va fi spionul obedient al lui Hitler și car...

  • Dincolo de aşternuturi || in curs de editare ||
    15.8K 829 17

    Ce ai fi în stare să faci atunci când toate visele tale sunt pe cale să se năruie? **IN CURS DE EDITARE, VARIANTA VECHE O PUTETI GASI PE , DE ASEMENEA GASITI LINK-UL SI PRIN COMENTARIILE DE LA CAPITOLUL II**

  • Străinii - Între Rai şi Iad
    1.2K 41 5

    Cum ajung oamenii să se autoîmpăvăreze cu sentimente precum frica, durerea, ura, ciuda, tristeţea? De ce ajung oamenii să se închidă atât de mult în carapacea lor, să-şi plângă singurătatea, să se auto-chinuie? Oamenii sunt răi cu alţi oameni. Oamenii urăsc alţi oameni. Tortură umană, nu umanitate. Oamenii iubesc şi a...

  • The Vault Chronicles
    196 9 3

    In the distant future, the science of stimulation manipulation is no longer in its infancy; in short, extremely lifelike, realistic simulations are now possible. However, the simulations created proved so immersive that most people chose to spend their entire lives in them, eliminating the need for a physical body. Wi...

  • Slip of the Tongue ~ A Collection of Poetry
    5.6K 175 32

    "But I don't want comfort. I want poetry. I want danger. I want freedom. I want goodness. I want sin." ~Aldous Huxley

  • The Way I Love
    5.9K 241 17

    I am nobody special. Just another face in the hall. But there's something different about me. Something I've had yet to tell. Until now. This is the story. The story of The Way I Love.

  • Mute
    90.4K 3.2K 8

    Music:ON World:OFF Welcome to Syrus. Please pick up your complimentary pair of headphones at the gates. Plug them into your mandatory devices and skip to track four. Listen and enjoy. Cor's world is filled with notes and pitch and tone. Twenty three hours of the day she is hooked to the music mandated by the Serial Se...

  • Artistic License
    11.3K 353 7

    Meet Annette, an artistic prodigy. The quickest connection to her soul involves a piece of paper, colored pencils, and an abundance of creative space. When she's involved in a devastating accident, she's lucky to walk away alive. However, once she discovers that she has lost her memory and use of her right hand, she's...

  • The Survivors
    6.3M 44.3K 46

    "It's unlike any paranormal book I've read--very smart, very fresh, and very addictive, and very still in my mind." –And Anything Bookish In 1692, when witch trials gripped the community of Salem, Massachusetts, twenty-six children were accused as witches, exiled, and left for dead. Fourteen of them survived. The Surv...

  • Războiul Dantelelor - Cartea întâi: Moştenirea
    37.3K 1.8K 13

    5 septembrie 1638 - doi copii se nasc în aceaşi zi: unul este Louis, moştenitorul tronului Franţei, un copil aşteptat şi dorit de o naţie întreagă; al doilea este Adèle, rodul legăturii adultere a doi nobili şi a cărui naştere este tăinuită. Doi copii cu două destine diametral opuse dar sortite să se întretaie. Lui Lo...

  • The Waking Moon
    2.2M 26.4K 42

    Paulette’s life is in shambles. Her sister is dead, her mother is a drunk, and she’s been forced to transfer into a chaotic public school full of bullies. Things go from bad to worse when, one night while driving them home from dinner, her intoxicated mother hits and kills a teenage boy and is sent to jail. Now Paulet...

  • Elementals (Paused)
    2.6K 47 4

    His last word was for Lyra, his seven-year-old daughter, to be locked from the light. She was stowed away in her bedroom for the next ten years. He died the night he gave his last wish, and all she wants to do is escape it. When Lyra does she has no idea what is after her. Old letters start to make sense once she meet...

  • It's all about love
    7.7K 352 100

  • Survival
    399K 4.2K 6

    The Mayans were right.....almost. On the 23rd of December 2012, the Earth witnessed beautiful harmless meteor showers all round the planet. Beginning on the 25th of December, the world did end for the humans. The earth did not implode, the stars did not come crashing down, no giant tsunamis hit the coastlines nor did...

  • An Irish Flower (Medieval Romance/Adventure Story)
    114K 3.1K 20

    Startled, she started to apologize. “My lord, I meant no harm this aftern-” He cut her off. “Be silent, woman. I need to explain some things to you, things you apparently don't understand yet.” He moved across the room and shoved her against the wall, pinning her arms with his massive hands. He learned forward until...

  • Fum
    6.7K 358 14

    Fumul tigarilor s-a imprimat in hainele mele, s-a jucat prin parul meu. Mi-a ramas pe buze si in plamani. Nu va disparea, dar tu o vei face. Urmele degetelor tale lasate pe corpul meu, vor disparea si ele. Caldura corpului tau, nu va ma insemna nimic. Vocea si parfumul tau, nu vor mai fi in amintirile mele.

  • Penumbra
    28.4K 1.7K 26

    Lui Julianne Stewart i se schimba viata radical dintr-o greseala. Cine spunea ca nu este bine sa mergi noaptea pe strada, si mai ales singura, avea dreptate, iar tanara va constientiza asta, insa va fi prea tarziu. Si va plati cu varf si indesat!
