Teenager Posts And Quotes
This is just a other book about awesome quotes that ALL teenagers can relate to! Hope you like, now go read my book! Ttyl, Stay Kawaii! -Emily...duh
This is just a other book about awesome quotes that ALL teenagers can relate to! Hope you like, now go read my book! Ttyl, Stay Kawaii! -Emily...duh
A group of friends or foes? Join Inari as her and people she's known for a since forever go into a journey of life or death. While in still in highschool is everyone telling the truth or keeping secrets can she trust them. Watch as new Relationship grow and other break apart like the thin glass that holds everyone to...
This is a Jizzie fanfic. I've been waiting to do one of these for forever and a day and I'm soooooo exited. Thanks to all the shadow cadets and other Jizzie lovers for reading. Ttyl• STAY KAWAII!