Bloodletter: The Lady Killer **ON HIATUS**
An assassin's world is a precarious one. Yet expert killer Resta has never had difficulty navigating through this world -- until a betrayal changes everything. (UPDATED WEDNESDAYS)
An assassin's world is a precarious one. Yet expert killer Resta has never had difficulty navigating through this world -- until a betrayal changes everything. (UPDATED WEDNESDAYS)
Inconnu à Louis: Tu veux jouer au jeu des 24h avec moi ? Louis à Inconnu : C'est quoi le jeu des 24h ? Inconnu à Louis : Nous faisons semblant d'être en couple pendant 24h, le premier qui tombe amoureux à perdu. Louis à Inconnu : Que ce passe t il si je perd ? Inconnu à Louis : Tu souffres. Louis à Inconnu : Et s...
With eleven missing women to find and six high-profile burglary cases to solve, the last thing Detective Nathan McNamara needs in his life is one more complication. And that's exactly what his recent one-night stand is becoming-complicated. With his heinous lieutenant breathing down his neck for answers and his accide...
Jana Mierzwiak, 17 ans, se réveille sur une plage en compagnie d'autres gens de son âge, sans absolument savoir pourquoi. Cependant, elle va bientôt découvrir que leur présence sur l'île n'est pas un accident, et qu'ils sont là pour un but bien précis…
This book is like a teaser/spoiler of the Annabelle movie where you get the movie plot summarized into ten shorter chapters. The end is my own version. Before The Conjuring. It was the year of 1969 when Mia gets a doll as a birthday gift from her husband John. The doll "Annabelle" was actually meant to be a toy for th...
it was supposed to be a harmless game, but the spirits had a different way to play.
After bursting onto the fantasy scene with his acclaimed debut novel, Elantris, and following up with his blockbuster Mistborn trilogy, Brandon Sanderson proves again that he is today’s leading master of what Tolkien called “secondary creation,” the invention of whole worlds, complete with magics and myths all their o...
Blood Lover est une fiction surnaturelle, basée sur Zayn Malik. « C’est un monstre. Il te tuera. » « J’ai confiance en lui. » « Je t’aime. » « Je t’aime aussi. » « Il faut que tu t’éloignes de moi. Je pourrais te tuer si je perd le contrôle! » Choisir de l'aimer ou choisir d'en avoir peur.