Really Crappy One-Liners that make you go... "Not this again...!"
Really bad(?) One-Liners. Come to think of it... These could have gone in my pun book.... *shrug* #Lazy
Really bad(?) One-Liners. Come to think of it... These could have gone in my pun book.... *shrug* #Lazy
Some funny texts I read and thought I would write them. Hope you like them! I do not own these!!!! Sorry if I offend anyone.
The title says it all! These post will inspire you, make you laugh and cry, and well, uh, in my case, want to kill somebody :P. Enjoy!
I did not come up with these jokes I found them on the Internet Written by Angelina !! Funny jokes. Read and vote
This book contains dirty, sexual content. DONT say we didn't warn you. Read at your own risk! If you don't fucking like it, don't fucking read it.
!! COMPLETED !! BOOK 2 IS UP!! twitter: catietempleman instagram: catetempleman tumblr: we-ah-foive-secuhnds-of-summah
A collection of dirty, funny and sexual jokes. Warning may be swear words and some could be potentially offensive
Funny text messages what more is needed to be said? WARNING: may have mature jokes ;p
we are going to tell some texting jokes (don't take it serious it's just some jokes)
A book of comebacks you can use everyday. This book is no longer being updated sorry. I created it when I was a lot younger.