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  • SuperWhoLock: Demons Run [COMPLETED]
    52.6K 2.6K 23

    Just an ordinary night in Wyoming. Two brothers are digging up a grave. One turns around, and the other has disappeared. In his place: an angel statue. In London, England, a flying blue box crashes through the window of flat 221B Baker Street. A man with pitch black eyes appears and disappears throughout all of tim...

  • Venované všetkým dievčatám
    4.2K 919 1

    Dievčatá, nedajte sa odtrhnúť chlapcami, ktorí vám nepatria.

  • Die as a Jew
    58 6 1

    This fictional story is based in World War 2 in a Polish concentration camp toward the end of Adolf Hitler's reign. Countries ally to defeat Hitlers army, and when they did, Germans spread the word that all the concentration camps were to be closed down and the Jews to be erased from the remaining population of prison...

  • Kurt Cobain: Dear Whoever
    1.8K 64 1

    The world would have been a better place if there were differences in Kurt Cobain's 'suicide' note. This is what I think should have happened.

  • The Roof
    91 16 1

    So, this is a short story I wrote in English class. It's the first story ever that I've written in English, so it's not that good, but I thought I'd put it on here, because why not :) The story is about a man who is standing on a rooftop (duh, that's why the title is The Roof :p) and wants to jump. I won't tell more...

  • Angels will Fly || Ed Sheeran
    267K 7.8K 33

    She is invisible to the naked eye but she sees everything, hears people's dreams, their hopes. Her name is Lila Anderson and her job? To make people fall in love, with a single shot of her arrow. One day she hears the breaking heart of a young man named Edward. He has everything a man could dream of, money, lo...

  • Dear Ed » e.s / slovak
    996 164 11

    Ona zomiera a píše. On je mŕtvy a čaká. THIS STORY IS NOT MINE! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED @EdSheeran__.

  • We are both a mess (an Ed Sheeran fanfiction)
    33.4K 1.2K 40

    Nikki used to be a strong girl till the problems started appearing in her life, that's why she has to go to depression therapy where she will meet Ed, a guy with few words. They will start trusting in each other and when all seemed to be perfect, Ed will find out the terrible secret of Nikki. It would be fine if you c...

  • Dievča z ovocného sadu
    40.3K 2.9K 38

    Presuňme sa do druhej polovice šestnásteho storočia na Slovensku. Nájazdy Turkov sú na každodennom poriadku. Mladá Marína žije so svojím deduškom až kým do ich života nezasiahnu Osmania a dievčinu neunesú do svojej krutej vlasti. Je vôbec možné aby si tu našla priateľov? Podarí sa jej ujsť? A hlavne, čo v jej živote s...

  • Creepy Ass Short Stories [SK translate]
    142K 13.7K 108

    Toto je zbierka krátkych a strašidelných príbehov, ktoré autorka buď napísala sama alebo našla na webstránke (všetky kredity patria im). Dúfam, že si to užijete :) //©-bruised 2014 all rights reserved. First Slovak translation of this story by dominikav

  • Dark Times Part 1 (Ed Sheeran fanfic)
    4K 317 26

    As soon as I get into the bathroom and see myself reflected into the mirror, flashbacks come to my mind. Last night I got myself into a fight. I see a bruise has started to form around my left eye. I've also got a wound on my head, the blood is already dry, that must be why the pillow is stained. Fuck. I must call Abe...

  • Gingers (Ed Sheeran)
    2.5K 290 12

    „Hej! Máš ryšavejšie vlasy než ja! To nie je fér!" zamrnčala som. „Tak si si ich nemala dať prefarbiť." odvrkol mi. „No dovoľ, ja som sa v žiadnom prípade nedala prefarbiť! To ty si kvalitne zhrdzavel!" nedala som sa. Jej život sa vám bude zdať fádny a nudný, v podstate aj ona sama ho takto berie. Má vlastný svet, vla...

  • Dokud budeme živi
    2.6K 274 50

    Ten den svítilo slunce. Po vydlážděném chodníku, v dlouhé sukni pod kolena a v krásných nových botách na podpatku kráčela s aktovkou v ruce dívka. Pomalu šla směrem k budově gymnázia, kde měla nastoupit do prvního ročníku. Byla nadšená a trochu nervózní zároveň, ze všeho nového a neobjeveného, co ji mělo teprve čekat...

  • Invaded by you (Ed Sheeran)
    11.8K 536 28

    "Lost in the future we had. It's over, it's over but I'll always be invaded by you" 3rd January 2014 I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I will never get tired of saying it. I miss waking up next to you, five minutes before you so I can watch you sleeping, see your face, listening to your short breath. I miss your cur...

  • Russian love
    221K 12.6K 35

    Celý Dianin život sa už odmalička točí okolo hokeja. Postupne začala s bratom chodievať na jeho tréningy a vynechala naozaj len v nutnom prípade. Iný vzťah ako kamarátstvo s chlapcom doteraz nezažila. Diana má však jedinú lásku a tou je hokej, ktorej sa určite nemieni vzdať. Do tímu však nastúpi Dmitrij, chlapec s pok...

  • Photograph (Ed Sheeran)
    5K 662 35

    We keep this love in a Photograph Vraví sa, že: "Fotoaparát je nástroj, ktorý učí ľudí ako vidieť bez fotoaparátu." a nie je to ďaleko od pravdy. Vo väčšine fotkách si ale radi uschováme lásku, spomienky a pocity, nech sú akékoľvek, radi naň spomíname. Presne niečo také som zažila aj ja. *** „Ale..." šepl...

  • Risen (Ed Sheeran)
    17K 379 25

    When new artist Ed Sheeran begins his first U.S. tour, he starts off small. He plays at the Orlando House of Blues location, which is where he will begin his tour. He sits at the bar before the gig and ends up meeting a girl that will turn his life upside-down.