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  • A Bit More of You
    10K 834 24

    Georgia Edwards is an ordinary teenage girl with one extraordinary secret: her father is a world famous rock star. At least, that's what her mother tells her. One day, a long-haired stranger comes knocking on their door, and life as Georgia knows it will never be the same ever again... (Sequel to "She's a Woman")

    Completed   Mature
  • She's a Woman
    20K 1.4K 24

    Michelle Edwards isn't like the other girls - she prefers playing football to dancing; she would rather play her guitar than bake teacakes; she'd feel much more comfortable in drainpipe trousers than a frilly floral skirt. Needless to say, Michelle doesn't fit in at home, but she has a dream. One day, her dream comes...

    Completed   Mature
  • Golden Lockets
    14.6K 697 29

    George Harrison's life was going well - part of a successful band, making money, and beginning to get loads of girls. But he didn't count on a little girl getting in the way... (New chapters every Sunday!)

    Completed   Mature
  • The Love Therapy [HP Fanfiction]
    5.1K 684 11

    * THE LOVE THERAPY * Potom čo Ron Weasley tragicky príde o svoju dcérku, uzatvára sa do seba a nechce už viac žiť. Hermiona Grangerová sa pred rokmi vzdala sveta čarodejníkov, aby zabudla na svoju bolesť a vedie terapiu pre rodičov, ktorí stratili svoje deti. Jedného dňa na jej terapiu zablúdi aj Ron. Hermiona k nemu...

  • I Will [Paul McCartney/Beatles Fanfiction]
    80K 3.2K 21

    Ever since Paul's wife-to-be abandoned him at the altar, he's given up all hope of ever falling in love, and while it hurts to see the other members of his band happily married, he's firm with his decision. In 1967, just after this takes place, the Beatles are dealing with the stress of the loss of their manager and...

  • I Need You
    53.4K 1.5K 33

    Lauren Mitchell has the life every 19 year old girl wishes for. A perfect flat, and the perfect boyfriend. George Harrison is trying to prove himself along with The Beatles to Britain that they deserve to be heard and recognized. He meets Lauren and the two feel something between each other that they've never felt b...

  • Baby's in Black
    12.2K 620 21

    From the loss of a mother to the loss of a father, Prudence Rose Atwood had seen it all. With a tumultuous childhood filled with sorrow, young Prudence is left to live with the McCartney family: Jim, Mary, Paul, and Michael. Feeling out of place in a family so close knit, Prudence would cry herself to sleep. Until one...

    Completed   Mature
  • It's Only Love (McLennon)
    27.7K 772 13

    This was all John and Paul ever wanted. A nice little family with a normal life. Unfortunately they cannot lead one that way. Not only are they worldwide celebrities, they have to face angry press, bigoted paparazzis, and close-minded daycare teachers. This family can only do so much to maintain their sanity. (Mclenno...

  • Almost Him
    8.7K 472 13

    John knows it's not Paul. He held Paul when he was dying. He saw the replacement being trained to imitate his late lover perfectly. But the copy was perfect, so perfect, that it's practically the real Paul he's falling in love with. Isn't it?

  • That girl is mine [HP Fanfiction]
    108K 7.2K 47

    Keď James spoznal Andy mal iba pár mesiacov a aj napriek tomu sa medzi nimi vytvorilo puto. On sa vždy snažil zaujať jej pozornosť a jej zase vždy vadil. Keď spoločne nastúpili na Rokfort, najviac vydesili obraz bývalého riaditeľa Snapa. Keď zbadal v riaditeľni chlapca s hnedými vlasmi a okuliarmi a dievča, ktoré bolo...

  • One Day (John Lennon)
    9.8K 352 8

    "And it will finally hit you, it was her, it was always her." A short story for the one and only Lennon. It's a bit sad, but that's the point. I read a marvelous quote and felt a story could be made from it. And so here it is. Who doesn't love a sad little John? It's short but i figured i'd share it because why not.

  • His Name Is Paul (Paul McCartney) (COMPLETE)
    98.9K 6.2K 110

    I go into my backyard and gasp. My neighbor is also out. Out of his house for the first time since...the incident. His name is Paul. Warning: This fanfiction deals with mature and sensitive topics and may be triggering to some. As a result, it is rated 'Mature.' Read at your own risk. COMPLETE! Book Four in the 'His N...

    Completed   Mature
  • His Name Is Ringo (Ringo Starr) (COMPLETE)
    78.5K 4.4K 82

    I watch with curiosity as the man stacks the school's library books neatly on the shelf. I vaguely recognize him. He'd graduated two years ago, but for some reason he still hangs around, doing odd jobs around the school. His name is Ringo. Warning: This fanfiction deals with mature and sensitive topics and may be trig...

    Completed   Mature
  • Problémy Rockerov a Metalistov
    42.5K 5.9K 44

    Problémy všetkých metalheads a rockerov 19.1. - #9 IN RANDOM 25.1. - #7 IN RANDOM 28.1. - #6 IN RANDOM 6.2. - #5 IN RANDOM 11.2.- #2 IN RANDOM

  • His Name Is John (John Lennon) (COMPLETE)
    93.2K 5K 81

    "Oops, pardon me." I look up at the man I accidentally bump into. He's carrying stacks of groceries, all by himself. He's lucky he didn't drop everything. I recognize him from around town, but I really only know one thing about him. His name is John. Warning: This fanfiction deals with mature and sensitive topics and...

    Completed   Mature
  • His Name Is George (George Harrison) (COMPLETE)
    143K 7.6K 80

    There's a boy I see on the street sometimes. I've tried talking to him, but he doesn't say much. Though, he has told me one thing. His name is George. Warning: This fanfiction deals with mature and sensitive topics and may be triggering to some. As a result, it is rated 'Mature.' Read at your own risk. Book One of the...

    Completed   Mature
  • Real Love
    7.9K 311 5

    Paul can’t remember anything from his past, so John explains it to him through reading the story of their life together.

  • Yesterday • McLennon One Shot
    2.3K 69 3

    "Remember when you told me we'd always be by each other's side forever, John? But now, I'm own my own." © @siiiccaa_ for the amazing cover ❤️

  • 100% Moonwalker
    57K 7.9K 64

    Na povrchu plachá, v srdci šelma. Tato kniha obsahuje 100 věcí, které jistě zná každý milovník hudby.Věřím, že se v mé knize najdete :) Problémy, fakty, informace... Od hudby po tanec! Od možných věcí po nemožné! To jsem já...100% Moonwalker Ve formě SHORT STORY! COVER BY 123TANY3210

  • The Attic
    33.7K 1.6K 20

    John finds a box in his attic filled with memories of Paul. Delving into the past, while Paul returns in the present, John struggles with fate--namely, can history take a different course on December 8th, 1980? [McLennon]

  • Paint it Black [CZ]
    201K 20.8K 48

    Někdy je láska tak silná, že stačí minulost nabarvit na černo a tím začít od začátku.

  • Star Trek Trosečníci
    6.4K 622 30

    Klingonské impérium chce aby Federace nechala předstoupit Khana Nooniena Singha před soud, aby se zodpovídal ze svých činů. Kapitán Kirk dostane za úkol odvést Khana na Kronos, ale Klingoni si nepřejí žádné plavidlo Federace na jejich území. Spock přijde s kompromisem, že on a speciálně vycvičený oddíl převezou Khana...

  • Dotek smrti [HP FF]✔
    96.6K 8.9K 75

    Lior Tauri Bissonnetté. Dívka, která utrpěla velkou ztrátu. Ztrátu někoho blízkého. Většina příběhů začíná vesele, ale její ne. Její příběh začíná tím nejhorším možným způsobem. Smrtí... ,,Nikdy jsem nečekala, že má minulost obsahuje tak hrozné tajemství, které ovlivní nespočet lidí a zpusobí mnoho smrtí. Ni...

  • Encyklopedie mimozemských bytostí
    29.8K 650 34

    Cokoli jste kdy chtěli vědět o mimozemšťanech, najdete zde. Mám tu profily mně známých ras, jejich zvyky, úmysly, působení na Zemi, domovskou planetu či hvězdu a mnohem více. Naučte se rozeznat Reptiliána od Telosiana a Šediváka od Annunaki. Vše v knize jsou všeobecně známé informace, které by se neměly brát jako pou...

  • Nondum omnium dierum sol occidit [HP Fanfiction]
    65.9K 5.2K 46

    ... Ešte nezapadlo slnko všetkých dní ... Troška netradičný príbeh o Záškodníkoch ♥ Genre: Romantika, Dráma, Dobrodružstvo. Fanfiction Rating: + 15 Pairing: Teddy Lupin & Victoire Weasley Teddy doučuje Victoire z transfigurácie, keď sa stane to čo nečakal. Vďaka nevydarenému...

  • Nejdražší Gino
    65.7K 8.6K 31

    Dříve jsem si myslel, že je láska krásna, ale pak jsem se zamiloval do tebe. Bylo to všechno, jenom ne krásné.

  • Between Elation and Terror (CZ)
    16.6K 942 15

    „Za doby tak příšerně zoufalé, dokázali být šťastní a to díky tomu, že měli jeden druhého." Mezi radostí a hrůzou. Přesně takový je život mladých novomanželů Lupinových na pozadí kouzelnické války. AN: Povídka navazuje na mou předchozí práci (Increasingly Wam Friendship), ale myslím, že lze číst i samostatně. ...

  • Increasingly Warm Friendship (CZ)
    19.2K 1.3K 20

    „Ale tohle byl závazek, závazek do konce života. Nepatrně nakrčila obočí a krátce přikývla." Stačí jeden okamžik, jedna myšlenka, jedno přikývnutí a život se jednou pro vždy změní. Tonksová kývla s vědomím, že ví co ji čeká. Jak pochopitelné a naivní... Příběh o tom, jak se přidala do Fénixova Řádu a o všem, co s...

  • Milovali sme ju všetci traja
    3.5K 596 16

    Natália trávi čas na opekačke so svojím otcom a jeho dvoma najlepšími priateľmi. Všetci traja sú momentálne slobodní a v skutočnosti ich vždy spájala láska k jednej žene - k jej mame.

  • Are you TOO much of a Beatles fan? Part 2
    326 31 1

    The name says it all!
