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  • Islamic Motivation
    22.2K 1.7K 13

    Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu! May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah swt be upon you! This is a book filled with random chapters that I pray will benefit you inshaaAllah. If you are looking for motivation to become a better muslimah, to start observing hijab, to stop listening to music, to incre...

  • Finding Islam
    440K 36.4K 92

    -- Life works in mysterious ways. King Patterson never really thought about life in depth. He did not care much for his future. He did not plan. There was no use. He would be six feet under today, tomorrow or the day after that. He took each day as it came, but never took them seriously. That was until fate took him...

    2.7K 277 23

    "Has the time not yet come for those who believe that their hearts should be humble for the remembrance of Allah and for the truth that has descended (through revelation)? They must not be like those to whom the Book was given before, but a long period passed on them (in which they did not repent), therefore their hea...

    9.1K 165 32

    Ramadan is the month of fasting filled with religious and spiritual fervor. Muslims across the globe, refrain themselves from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk. In addition, Muslims perform special prayers and indulge themselves in special Ibadaats including the hugely rewarded deeds to ensure they make the maximu...

  • Story Of Prophet Yusuf ✔
    21.6K 586 47

    let's begin the story of Prophet yusuf (peace be upon him) and his eleven brothers Rank in spritual #88. 26/04/2018 #73. 2/05/2018 #70. 28/04/2018 #68. 30/04/2018 ?#4 26/05/2018? (in tests) #6. (dunya) ?#3. (dunya) 5/06/2018 #2. (test) 29-07-2018

  • Stories from Quran ✔
    25.2K 1.3K 29

    بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful. Inshaa Allah I will be sharing with you the stories from Quran. (p. s. That you guys already know from the title of the book) To learn more about prophets, read the book Hope you all will get benefitted by it. Mention me in your...

    4.3K 287 32

    let's learn about Quran and Islam this Ramadan Gems extracted by Aida Msr - Aida is a fellow sister and friend from Malaysia. She aspires to continuously learn, improve and be a better Muslimah. Today's media age, in which we are constantly exposed with negative influences, she believes it is our responsibility to put...

    2.3K 113 30

    RAMADAN RESOLUTIONS :) A resolution a day. Throughout this blessed month with Shaykh Omar Suleiman A blessed start of Ramadan to all. May the almighty make this our best Ramadan ,and may he accept our fast, standing in worships and all the good deeds and act of charity. May we be among the righteous. Ameen Highest ra...

  • The True Lover Of Allah Ta'ala Part 1 ✔
    4.2K 477 55

    The True Lover of Allah Ta'ala... Narrated by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb

    1.6K 204 50

    continuation of the the true lover of Allah Ta'ala Part 1..narrated by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb " SAY (O MUHAMMAD صلى الله عليه وسلم ) : IF YOU DO LOVE ALLAH, FOLLOW ME. ALLAH SHALL LOVE YOU AND FORGIVE YOU YOUR SINS; AND ALLAH IS MOST-FORGIVING, VERY-MERCIFUL." [SURAH AAL-IMRAAN 3 : 31] The footprints...

  • RETURNING TO ALLAH....رجوع الی اللہ ✔
    9.1K 811 36

    This book presents a touching story,beautifully narrated by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb رحمۃ اللہ which truly inspires a person to repent sincerely from his or her sins,together with creating a deep- hearted hope in the Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah Ta'ala . Highest ranking #44........... Quran #33...

  • Gems Of Ramadan ✔
    2.2K 199 30

    All gems taken from book gems of Ramadan by Shaykh Ahmad jibril Get up my brother and sister and shake the dust of sins off your back. Spice up and decorate your Tawbah more by making Wudhu and two Rak'ah. Declare your Tawbah to Him, cry in agony over your sins and start the path to Allah. Repentance is a shadow that...

  • juzz summary ✔
    1.7K 124 31

    In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful, The Most Merciful. All Praises belong to Allah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear...

  • Q/A + Reminders
    4.9K 360 25

    Reminders and Queries! You want advice on any topic or you have any questions about Islam. Feel free to ask inshaa Allah in this book I will be answering your questions and helping all my dear fellow Muslim sister in any way I can

  • A Pious Haram Love Story
    1.8K 161 1

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa'barakatuh. Bismillah, say "Alhamdulillah" to my first wattpad update. Read it 'In sha Allah' and kindly share your views too :) Jazak Allahu Khairan🕊

  • Treasures of Barakah
    4.7K 604 14

    💖21 secrets to increase in بركة - Barakah (blessings) of ALLAH💖

  • BAHISHTI ZEWAR (Heavenly Ornaments)
    850 85 9

    "Not everyone are pure in this world... Human beings are tend to do the sins".... Am here with rules and regulations of daily life being a practical muslimah in sha Allah!!! Trying to spread the knowledge I have known between my prophets ummah!!! :-) I hope you will cooperate with me in sha Allah!!!

  • Duas and Supplications
    43.2K 996 22

    Beautiful Duas and Supplications which you might not know! Click the read button and get to know more on this book. I am sure it will definitely help you all!

  • Illuminating Hearts
    1.6K 284 14

    Islamic reminders through images.

  • 5 questions asked on the Day of Judgement
    5.1K 115 1

    5 important questions asked on the Day of Judgement. Must read for all Muslims please!

  • The Islamic Message
    80.7K 8.3K 127

    Islamic messages for all my readers ☺️ Hope it inspires you all and help you lead a better life by the words of Allah SWT and Prophet SAWS❤️ May Allah SWT guide us all?Aameen? Cover credit- @_Diarra_16

  • Tajweed of the Noble Qur'an
    3.7K 105 4

    This book will teach you Tajweed of the Qur'an. Beautiful cover by @su_shhii

  • Al Wasillah (In The Footsteps Of The Prophet PBUH)
    2.2K 316 15

    A collection of Hadith (sayings of Prophet pbuh) that we can put to use in our daily lives. Anyone can gain immense wisdom from these words so please feel free to give it a read. The greatest of wealth is the richness of the soul. #ProphetMohammedPBUH

  • That's called True Love (Islamic Love Stories)
    4.5K 183 2

    Normally, we associate these ideas of love with couples who meet, date, and fall head over heels for each other. Very rarely do we relate these images to married couples. But Your relationships are trusts that should be maintained for the sake of Allah and established on strong foundations (Qur’an & Sunnah). True lo...

  • Islam
    84.4K 1.3K 79

    Assalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu beautiful people! This is a Q&A book where I will tell you things about Islam and where you can ask me questions about Islam! I am not a professional but In'Sha'Allah I will be able to help you all! •Rabbe zidne ilma {Aameen} Oh lord! Increase me in knowledge! {Amen}• •Ya Gha...

  • ProjectDeenoverDunya ✓
    767 115 5

    This is a campaign created by @HijabQueen_22 to help young Muslim who are having problems with their deen. This campaign is to teach them the importance of Islam, trusting Allah and believe that there is life after death

  • 40 Special AYATS
    2.6K 288 11

    Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu. This book will contain 40 Ayats from the holy quran starting with the name of "Allah"the most beautiful name of All Reciting it daily has it's immense benefits followed by bouquets of blessings,and fulfillment of beautiful wishes made with.full faith and pure heart. It i...

  • Sunnah is My Style!
    215K 7.4K 83

    Have you ever felt so frustrated that you feel like kicking those lofty fashion-controlling guys and their switching styles when you find that your new hairstyle, which you got after much begging and coaxing your parents, just went out of fashion? And what about that special celebrity-like dress which you bought after...

  • To Rahman, With Love...
    32.5K 2.6K 13

    Some incidents of laughter, some thoughts of tears, some quaint experiences and some deep musings of my life. I guess they speak about my crazy love for Him... Or maybe, just maybe, they reveal His beautiful love for me...?

  • Taste it! How to Taste the True Beauty of Salah
    34K 3.7K 25

    A Summary of Mishari Al-Kharraz’s Lecture Series “How to Taste the True Beauty of Salah” Kuwait 2008 By Mona Hubbi Free for copy/distribution Food possesses a special flavor. So does play. So does the spending of money. Even laughter has its special flavor. All these flavors share a similar pleasure, but the pleasure...
