A short horror story about an asylum that was turned into a hotel and the strange happenings that followed...
A short horror story about an asylum that was turned into a hotel and the strange happenings that followed...
This is a story of super bad dad jokes. They will make you laugh, cry, and wonder why you even bothered to click this story.
A short story in the Deadland Saga! (This is little Benji Hennessey's story during the zombie outbreak.) As the world succumbs to vicious zombies, a boy with Down Syndrome must find his way to his grandfather, who lives forty miles away.
A short story in the Deadland Saga (Tyler Masden's story during the early chapters of 100 Days in Deadland.) As the world succumbs to insatiable zombies, the remnants of the U.S. military forces switch gears from stopping the spread of infection to eradicating infected zones. A National Guard platoon led by Captain T...
The seven deadly sins with a shambling twist. It has been one hundred days since the zombies claimed the world. Cash, along with forty-two survivors, have found safety in the secluded and well-guarded Fox National Park. The leaves are changing colors, a beautiful, brutal reminder that winter is coming. As the survivo...