Nothing to do with you
Brendon/Ryan | NC-17 | ~ 10100 Words | Ryan's got his own reasons. Credit goes to disarm_d from livejournal
Brendon/Ryan | NC-17 | ~ 10100 Words | Ryan's got his own reasons. Credit goes to disarm_d from livejournal
Brendon's learning that the world is made up of many things, including evil. He also learns that that evil is usually attracted to good people. Credit to panic_smile on live journal
brendon/ryan, ryan/keltie. keltie-centric, possibly. unrequited love, competing against someone with whom i can never compare, with a history i will never discover.
Touring, foreign countries, excessive bantering, secret snuggles, girlfriends, affectionate boy BFFs, girlfriend issues, self-loathing, restaurants, violations of social mores, Walmart visits, misery, angst, mourning, laughter, emotional outbursts, hotel rooms, song-writing, concerts, self-acceptance and the like; it...
Boarding School AU. Ryan's not expecting a new neighbor. He's certainly not expecting that new neighbor to start attending his private boarding school, and he's definitely not prepared for the events that follow. But being prepared isn't everything. Credit goes to panic-smile on live journal
In Case The Scene Gets Nasty by zarah5 and softlyforgotten (live journal) Brendon/Ryan 90,571 words. NC-17 Better to take the long way home than not to arrive at all. A high school AU.