Reylo- You will be mine
Kylo and Rey meet again, and he confesses something to her. One- Sided Reylo and Finnrey (now including some Poe x Rey)
Kylo and Rey meet again, and he confesses something to her. One- Sided Reylo and Finnrey (now including some Poe x Rey)
The first book of the USA Today Bestselling series! "Though much of the book is light-hearted and occasionally outright hilarious, the author sneaks in a few home truths along the way that will hit you where it counts, like how even someone’s best intentions can box you in." --Everybody Needs a Little Romance "This...
Tania si Tina. Sunt doua gemene care impart acelasi corp. Una este nebuna si de obicei sta legata in lanturi, iar cealalta este ascultatoare si de obicei manevreaza corpul pe care-l impart. Ce se intampla cand corpul este lovit de o masina? Ce se intampla cand una din ele moare, iar cealalta primeste controlul asu...