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  • Chimerical
    1K 132 3

    chimerical //adjective// highly fanciful; unrealistic short stories of the fantastical nature based on quotes, songs, and prompts.... cover made by @herondayles

  • Flavors (on hold)
    86.2K 7.4K 27

    on hold due to lack of inspiration ::: She saw the ice cream truck pass through her neighborhood nearly every day in the summer. Every day, she got her favorite ice cream, mint chocolate chip. Her routine suddenly got changed when the ice cream truck stopped coming for a month. When it finally came back, it had a ne...

  • Rotations
    33K 2K 7

    cover made by the fabulous @dandielions "An invention of pure terror, the Ferris Wheel is." "But, the view is so beautiful, seeing everything from up high.." "Don't even mention the extreme heights, or I will puke." "What if I help you get over your fear?" "If you can do that, you must be a really powerful being or...
