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  • The Winchesters, Heaven, and Hell (Supernatural fanfic)
    1.1M 28.1K 49

    I'm Louise, and I'm a hunter of the supernatural. This is my story of meeting the famous Winchester brothers, and hopefully helping them to save the world. (Starts a little before Lucifer Rises (season 4), and goes on from there. All of the rights go to the producers of Supernatural.)

  • wings are not supposed to be there
    1.7K 141 18

    Svet je zmáhaný vojnou medzi Nebom a Peklom. Po svete je rozšírený vírus Croatoan, najsilnejšia zbraň Pekla. Bratia Sam a Dean sa narodia do tohoto sveta svojej matke Mary. Otca nikdy nepoznali. Obidvaja prechádzajú výcvikom, sú bojovníci Neba, nazývaní Lovci. Trénujú, aby nakoniec mohli padnúť v boji. Nebu však doch...

  • Supernatural Things Part 2
    28K 2.1K 72

    Part 2 to Supernatural things - - You can get part 1 on my works if you dont already have it. - - warning; lame & trash af - - A collection of imagines, SPN relatable post, tumblr post, facts, quotes, etc. - - Enjoy!

  • Hydrophobia
    165K 10.5K 27

    Here we will encounter the life of 15 year old Castiel. With an embarrassing secret: He has Hydrophobia. He enters into high school. He needs a Physical ED credit in order to get his diploma and graduate from high school. Ironically, he was put on the swim team. He informs about his condition, and instead of an actual...

    Completed   Mature
  • Meeting You (Destiel High School AU)
    403K 21.8K 36

    New year. New school. Dean and Sam Winchester had been moving a lot. But this time it'd be permanent.…hopefully. Dean is a nerd. Straight A's all 'round. He meets Castiel Novak. Popular guy. Not so good in grades but hey he'll do anything for Dean. He doesn't know why but the new kid intrigued him in a way no one el...

    Completed   Mature
  • Mission Destiel (Destiel!Frozen AU)
    145K 7.2K 12

    Once again, Gabriel is bored and wants to try something new with Team Free Will. Only this time, Sam agrees with Gabe. Their mission: Find out how much Dean and Cas love each other. How: Erasing their memories temporarily and sending them all into the Disney movie Frozen. Sorry if it gets a bit confusing. Request...

  • Twist and Shout
    256K 6.1K 13

    What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with...

    Completed   Mature
  • His Escape
    142K 7.4K 22

    [Destiel Highschool AU] Castiel Novak notices a new kid in school. He has sandy blonde hair and green eyes. Cas is intrigued by him and immediately seeks advice to befriend him. He not only becomes friends with him, but realizes this kid is his only true escape from his thoughts and life itself. Cas becomes this boy'...

    Completed   Mature
  • Supernatural - Destiny (CZ)
    16.3K 1K 26

    Mia vyrůstala v dětském domově. Její otec ji nechal záchranářům, poté co jejich dům shořel a její matka v něm zemřela. Dnes je jí 24. Stal se z ní lovec. Společně s jejím kamarádem Nigelem hledá pravdu o smrti své matky. Pak ale Nigela zabije duch. A příští den potká dva neznámé muže... Její příběh teprve začíná, ale...

  • The Angel's Guardian
    328K 8.6K 47

    When the angel Castiel loses the one thing he has ever cherished he changes, he no longer cares about the well being of others. Hell bent on getting back what was stolen from him, he meets the Winchester boys who are fighting the apocalypse, and their sister. Who isn't what she appears to be at all. ( This was a bad d...

  • Destiel is Love, Destiel is Life
    117K 3.6K 16

    Dean and Cas. Basically it. Currently rated PG-13 (Apparently) as in for everyone 13+ may change may not change

  • Hold On
    24.5K 1.6K 21

    Zjistit. Najít. Zničit. To jsou tři slova, kterými se Zoey a její kamarádka Cloe řídí už od svých patnácti let, kdy se oficiálně staly lovkyněmi. Zatímco všichni poklidně spí, ony noc co noc nasazují své životy a likvidují monstra, kterých se bojíme vždy, když večer zhasneme světlo. Když se ale Cloe ocitne v nemonci...