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  • Tell Me I'm an Angel (Frerard)
    259K 19.9K 52

    Gerard thought that committing suicide would finally end it: no more pain, no more sorrow - nothing. The last thing he expected was to wake up in Hell, reborn as a demon under Lucifer's control. He is planning on ending himself - for good this time - when he runs into an angel named Frank. Even though it is forbidden...

    Completed   Mature
  • Antichrist (Frerard)
    645K 28.1K 28

    They were murdered, they were attacked and now they're dead. That's all Frank knows about his parents - gone before he'd even had chance to miss them, and it was fucking with his head. The police reckoned that moving away, to rural New Jersey with his grandparents would help him cope with the loss, but even Frank knew...

  • Give Him Hell, Kid (Frerard)
    255K 11.6K 36

    As the son of Satan, Gerard believed that his life had many perks. Until... As a punishment for his usual uncooperative ways, his father sends him to live on earth- to live out his sentence as a high school student. Much to Gerard's distaste. ~>•<~ Frank is your every...

  • Blood (Prequel to Vampires Will Never Hurt You)
    29K 1.9K 30

    Centuries before he met Frank, Gerard found himself lying in a battlefield. Bleeding out, beside his brother, alone. His life was about to change, forever. Miles away from home, away from any family that might have had an ounce of love left for him. ~>•<~ Rescued from t...

  • Vampires Will Never Hurt You (Frerard)
    254K 12.2K 54

    ~>Fully Edited<~ Frank never acknowledged his neighbour. His depression and drinking problem were far too important to him. Whilst drunk and vulnerable, he gets attacked in a deserted alley. What Frank didn't know, was that his neighbour wanted to be closer than he thought. He followed him. He couldn't stop hims...

  • Three Cheers
    94.7K 5.1K 34

    ~>Sequel to Give Him Hell, Kid<~ Frank Iero couldn't have wished for more when he became the prince of darkness- The King of Hell's right-hand man. They are inseparable. However, the twelve years that have passed by so quickly for the living, was equal to just twelve days spent in the fiery underworld. After being su...

  • Urges (Sequel To Vampires Will Never Hurt You)
    49.5K 3K 35

    As the year anniversary of Frank's transformation draws closer, their relationship is almost put on the back-burner. An old face, the newborn's urges and family issues cause the pair's relationship to dwindle the flame that is their love. Can Frank and Gerard fight through these troubled times, or will they both succ...
