gone forever. 2019 © COZYINN
ona kochała palić świeczki. on wolał palić papierosy. #23 w losowo #21 w losowo #20 w losowo #19 w losowo #18 w losowo
Klub książki. W którym dwoje nastolatków, w przeciwieństwie do Hazel Grace i Augustusa Watersa, zakochują się w sobie podczas czytania książki 'Gwiazd naszych wina'. © bleached
Pewnego dnia Niall w swoim hotelowym pokoju znajduje paczkę 21 listów od dziewczyny, która otworzyła przed nim swoje serce, dziewczyny która umierała od środku, ale próbowała znów się pozbierać. Odkąd Niall zaczął czytać, a listy zaczęły się kończyć uświadomił sobie, że pokochał tą dziewczynę i przez cały ten czas wie...
To był ciężki rok dla Łukasza. Rozwód z żoną, a raczej wezwanie do sądu wstrząsnęło nim najbardziej. Kuba zawsze był przy nim i zawsze mógł liczyć na jego pomoc. Ale kobieca ręka i miłość do przeciwnej płci była mu bardziej potrzebna. Czy odkryje jakimi uczuciami darzy go Kasia? Książka zajęła 3 miejsce w konkursie...
COMPLETED | he could have never resisted the chance to be back in his beloved city where only two years ago, he left behind the girl who had claimed his heart wholly. © DIEBORUSSEN 2016
; wszystko zaczęło się od jednej, głupiej wiadomości. © luke-hemings, 2016
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In which he wants her to give him a reason to stay, but she can't come up with any reason at all. ~~~ ©BlaqAngel 2015
piszczek; completed+ 11 years to count, they are no longer friends, or lovers, they are strangers with most powerful stares and no one knows except them {previously dictionwords}
If you ever need a reason to break up, here's 57 valid and invalid truths and lies for you to tell; told to an Arsenal player by a short girl. © propensity, 2014-2015. Cover by @footbaII.
"I write these letters to you in hopes one day I can say it in person" ©copyright by svtcaratdiamond
her mother named her zodiac and told her to always remember there is someone out there for her. his father called him erik and told him stories of love. war rests around them and, so, they retreat to affection and attempt to ignore the evil that blankets their lives. she finds herself writing to him and he finds himse...
It's the middle of the 2011-12 season and Andres Villas-Boas has just been sacked at Chelsea's manager and in his place Abramovich has brought in Richard Montez to be manager. ft. Fernando Torres
"i'm starting to think that true love is but one's first, and i'm starting to suspect all the rest were meant to be forgotten."
they say that after you die your brain continues neural activity for seven full minutes, replaying beautiful memories alongside the awful ones, but all of them have one thing in common: they were life-changing. these were her seven minutes.
in which a dying Antoine Griezmann asks his girlfriend, Evangeline Raul to fulfill his last wishes
Weddings are meant to mark the first day of the rest of your life. For Antoine Griezmann the wedding of his best friends meant a chance to fight for self acceptance and love.
[SHORT STORY] From the mind of someone who profusely loves him despite the harsh circumstances.
❝Did I make it that easy for you to forget about me?❞ Olivier Giroud and Lillian used to be the picture perfect couple, until his secrets were unveiled in front of his wife. Perfect husband, perfect daughter, perfect career, perfect life. Sadly, she couldn't be more wrong. What once was the fairy tale Lily thought he...
"She's my therapy, my happiness, my reason to carry on even though we are just a fling" ©durmmels, 2015
"If I could see your face once more, I could die a happy man I'm sure" In which Olivier Giroud talks about his lover and their current situation in short segments and song lyrics.
24 hours kidnapped and in one room. One female, one male that both are football players. Why and how would this turn out?
The moment Aaron laid eyes on Jane Hill he became infatuated with her completely.
Lo·li·ta lōˈlētə/ (noun) a sexually precocious young girl. -------- salome, a (seemingly) bashful teenager, finds herself entangled in a sultry, ultimately tragic relationship with none other than arsenal's héctor bellerín. (completed)