100 Funny Things to Say to People || COMPLETED
Have a Heart! I found most of these on BuzzGhana.com Photo: Tinashe
Have a Heart! I found most of these on BuzzGhana.com Photo: Tinashe
See raamat räägib ühest viie liikmelisest tüdrukute kambast, kes käib iga täiskuu öö tõde ja tegu mängimas. Nad kohtuvad ühe poiste kambaga, kes mängivad ka tõde ja tegu! Mis juhtub kui Scarlett saab teada oma vanemate suurima saladuse? Detaile saad teada ainult raamatust seest. Ps:osalen EstBat kirjandusvõistlusel.
Have you ever wanted to just shove a boy/girl's pick up line down their throat? Well don't, because that could be considered assault. Instead use these sassy comebacks to all kinds of pickup lines! Enjoy these carefully devised, (if you call spending five minutes seeing if you can make a comeback and if not moving on...
Hey guys! Hello my beautiful followers...I got these from my older sister, jinnyrod3
The worst but funniest pick up lines out there. Please don't use on real people cause these are so cheesy but funny!