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  • ambitious, cunning, adaptable | hp x dm
    177K 6.3K 56

    Harry Potter has found out the fact that he's a wizard and is on his way to Hogwarts. He is found by a boy on the train, who offers him his hand. Who knew that a train ride, a simple sentence and a quick handshake from a boy was capable of changing so-called history? ⚯ Slytherin!Harry ϟ

  • Irish (bad) Luck [Syriusz Black x OC]
    32.4K 3.3K 70

    Krwawe Kłopoty w Irlandii Północnej i Pierwsza Wojna czarodziejów zaczynają się z początkiem lat siedemdziesiątych. Być może obie te wojny mają ze sobą więcej wspólnego, niż ktokolwiek się spodziewa? Oba konflikty poznaje Jacqueline O'Hara, która przybywa do Hogwartu razem z Huncwotami i dzięki nim przypomina sobie...

  • Twins: A Different Life
    207K 6.2K 17

    THIS IS NOT MINE. THIS IS A STORY THAT HASN'T BEEN UPDATED IN AWHILE ON ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN. Original Link: DESCRIPTION FROM AO3: When Voldemort attacked he didn't kill Lily and James. When he met his downfall they mistook Harry's twin as the GWL, they se...

  • Of Shadow, Shine, and Shades
    221K 9.1K 25

    Disclaimer: This story is not mine. It was written by dra6on on Attempting to erase his memory, Lord Harry James Potter-Black actually ends up sending himself through time and dimension into another world. What is a mage to do when he's offered a second chance?

  • The Nightmare Man
    35.3K 1.1K 24

    In the depths of the Ministry, there is a cell for the world's most dangerous man... and he wants out. No pairings. Warnings: Time travel, OOC-characters, Light!bashing, Twisted!Harry, Evil!Harry, violence, mention of gore. Yeah, stuff like that. Disclaimers: I don't own Harry Potter nor do I make any money writing th...

    Completed   Mature
  • Death's Gift
    501K 22.4K 46

    After the war Harry distances himself from everyone, feeling empty. He spends a year in solitude, only writing letters to communicate. When he's finally drawn from Grimuald Place by the Weasleys, Hermione appears at his front door with urgent and unsettling news. Harry realizes the hidden horrors of his years at Hogwa...

    Completed   Mature
  • The Wrong Conclusion {Drarry}
    245K 5.2K 15

    Alex Albus Potter, the boy-who-lived... yeah, what a bunch of bull sh- Harry Potter is the real boy-who-lived, though his twin brother, Alex, was declared to be. After years of neglect and abuse from Harry's parents, James and Lily Potter, along with a creature inheritance, which doesn't help him gain his parent's att...

  • The Black Swan
    48.7K 990 19

    No one would have thought that Bella had another sibling, nontheless a inhuman either. Getting a call from his father, Antonio decided that maybe it was time to return to America to see his beloved father and old friends, but he would be bringing along two important people in his life. To Bella this sounded like amazi...

    Completed   Mature
  • No Game No Life - Quotes
    25.7K 907 39

    ~Quotes in No Game No Life~ I do not own the franchise, characters nor quotes in this compilation. Please check out my other stories!

  • (Sans x Reader) When Two Souls Meet
    934K 27K 28

    Sans has lived through countless timelines. He's seen the kid make friends with everyone, only to give up in the final moments. He's seen the kid killed, over and over and over again. Sometimes, he'd even done the killing himself. And no one ever remembers. Not even the kid herself. It's an exhausting cycle, one that...

  • Demon Ciel's first contract (Ciel X reader)
    205K 4.5K 35

    In troubled times around the time your mother was murdered you called out in pain and received a demon ready to make his first contract.

  • Nomu Deku
    337K 6.1K 39

    Bad with descriptions but I'll try. Chapters 14 and 19 are now back for you all to read! Izuku was bullied all his life. Just because he was quirkless. Izuku hates heros but used to love them till he met the number 1 hero All Might. I know this won't get a lot of reads either (It Did and I am very grateful and love yo...

  • Blood Matters
    82.9K 3.1K 34

    What if Zuko convinced Azula that what she's doing is wrong, being feared and powerful can only destroy her from the inside. Only to run as their only option, to run from the fire nation, fearing their fathers wrath of betrayal. But one day they run into a old woman who promised them safety and shelter... Hama. Don't...

  • Clarity
    98.2K 2.2K 26

    What happens when someone who rises with the sun falls for someone who rises with the moon? Is it balance, or is it destruction? Is it chaos, or is it peace? Is it pain, or is it healing? *DISCLAIMER* I do not own any of the Avatar The Last Airbender characters. The first few chapters have heavy plot influences from...

  • Stark's Witch
    427K 10.9K 26

    Harriet (Harry) Potter is the daughter of Lily Potter and Tony Stark. After her first year at Hogwarts she comes home to a surprise. Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and cousin Dudley take her to New York. They take her to her father, the man she thought was James Evans. What happens when she meets him? (I am swapping Lil...

  • Clarity✨🥀|| Dipper x Robbie / Dipeon || [DISCONTINUED]
    10.3K 205 9

    [DISCONTINUED] This story was originally supposed to be sweet as you can probably tell from the summary here. But I have to say that the "supernatural twist" makes the story go from zero to a hundred real quick. And now it's kinda dark. Oops. If you still choose to read, I hope you enjoy! ------------------------- Dip...

  • Dead || Jack Frost
    588K 23.8K 28

    "Hey mister snow man. Can you take me out flying?" "Fuck you". "Oh honey you wish". Jack Frost x male OC Set during the rise of the guardians.

  • A World of Cold and Dark ( READ CHAPTER CALLED UPDATE)
    87.9K 2.1K 22

    When one breaks and becomes another will they fail or florish? A story about pitch and jack. Warning Yaoi and maybe smut later on. Read to find out what happens.

  • Unleashed
    307K 11.3K 20

    Guys, i'm delving into HP FAN-FICTION!! looking forward to our feedback!!! After the battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter is framed for the murder of Arthur Weasley and sentenced to life in Azkaban. Nine years later, he breaks out and seeks revenge on those who had forsaken him. When he finally dies, he wakes up in his te...

  • Master of Death
    426K 11.8K 32

    COMPLETE! How much can be changed simply by removing a few elements and changing a few things? Well come find out! Death has foreseen the fate of Hadrian James Potter and is most displeased. Plus he is bored, so he decides to raise him and watch the chaos that results. But where can he raise a child as powerful and im...

    Completed   Mature
  • Hadrian Potter, 'The Emerald King'
    160K 3.7K 9

    Hadrian Potter is brought up by Sirius Black, his godfather. The Potter moved to Germany with Hadrian's younger brother, Charlus Potter the WBWL, to learn enough to one day defeat the Dark Lord. The Potter return to see Hadrian in his fifth year and the King of Slytherin. Dark/Grey Harry -

  • He's not dead yet
    112K 3.4K 11

    Harry potter actually died giving himself up to voldemort. He then goes to the after life more specifically the "ministry of death" While he was there the truth unravels its self, he was just a pawn, a single pawn used in a Giant chessboard and the player no other than Dumbledore. He now is given the choice to return...

  • The son of two mutants/Harry potter x-men crossover
    36.9K 939 7

    Harry Potter was no ordinary boy

  • Mężczyzna z zaułka // Villain Deku
    33.5K 2.9K 13

    Co za ironia losu, że jedyną osobą, która pomogła był złoczyńca. I to nie byle jaki, a sam Villian. W dodatku Deku nie ma nic przeciwko podopiecznemu, nawet jeśli ten nie ma mocy. ### Miało być opowiadanie, a zrobię z tego porządne ff. Mam nadzieję, że historia się spodoba. Okładka tymczasowa

  • Harrinson Salazar Slytherin
    201 14 2

    Salazar Slytherin żyje Zabiera go od dursleów(nwm czy dobrze napisałem) i go adoptuje.

  • This is the life || Harry Styles
    638K 29.5K 57

    Harry Styles - zwykły 26 letni mężczyzna, współwłaściciel dużej firmy, mający kochającą narzeczoną. Pewnie myślisz: Na pewno jest strasznie szczęśliwy. Niestety, do szczęścia mu daleko. Od dawna stara się z narzeczona o dziecko, lecz bezskutecznie. Oboje decydują się na to, by wynająć dziewczynę, która im to dziecko d...

  • Mroczna Dusza /HP (Wolno Pisane)
    54.5K 2K 16

    🐍Okładka będzie inna. Wstawię jak będę miała więcej czasu. Jeżeli ktoś ma pomysł jak mogłaby wyglądać - proszę pisać na priv. 🐍 Opko jest o Harrym Potterze aka "Złotym Chłopcu" lub "Chłopcu - Który - Przeżył". Wszyscy w magicznym świecie go znają z tego że pokonał Toma Riddle'a aka "Lorda Voldemorta" mając zaledwie...

  • Córka dementorów
    82.6K 3K 19

    Najochydniejsze istoty w świecie magi. Czy one mogą mieć córkę? Jak tak to jak to dziecko będzie żyć? Wirdżinia Cassidy jest córką dwójki dementorów. Trzy lata temu dostała list z Hogwartu, ale jej rodzice nie chcieli jej tam puścić. Dopiero teraz zgodzili się ją puścić na trzeci rok. Wirdżinia nie jest taka jak jej k...

  • Czarne szaty ||Severus Snape
    567K 37.3K 90

    Elizabeth Havens to niezwykle atrakcyjna kobieta, która rozpoczyna pracę jako nauczycielka w Hogwarcie. Już od pierwszego dnia w szkole zmuszona jest do współpracy ze znienawidzonym przez uczniów Profesorem Snape'm. Między nauczycielami tworzy się dziwna relacja. Co z niej wyniknie? Czy Severus pozna ukryty za pięknym...

  • Nobody's daughter
    85.1K 3.8K 30

    Młody Severus darzył Lily ogromną przyjaźnią oraz oddaniem. Była zawsze, gdy jej potrzebował, on był zawsze gdy ona potrzebowała jego. Przekroczenie progu Hogwartu zmieniło ich przyjaźń raz na zawsze. Po tym gdy Severus nazwał Lily Evans zwykłą "szlamą" ich przyjaźń zgasła jak zapałka, której nigdy już nie udało się z...
