Gossip Girl Quotes
A collection of quotes from Gossip Girl
For all those people out there ( me ) who has some certain people that they HATE a lot. This is the book for you. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED: This book is just ideas of insult and sarcasm, not to really insult you. Ps: don't kill me
A book of sarcastic comebacks and phrases that can be used in almost any situation. Enjoy :) A taste of what's in this book: Random Person" What are you doing here!?" Me: " I was too hot for heaven and too cool for h*ll so I'm stuck here." #12 in Random 09-04-17 Disclaimer: I did invent most of these comebacks but som...
Never let a bitch or a dick leave you speechless... know your worth then add tax You ain't a princess, you don't need people telling you where you stand. You are a queen use it; and bring every motherfucking human to their knees Xoxo 😘 The queen of savages
These are some quotes that will make youre day...just like the title says. I will not always know who made the quotes because im using Pinterest as engine. I will be doing this cooperative with my friend UniJuul. And we will like to know people's favorite quotes. Quotes can make us... Sad Happy Worried Feel good Te...
Okay Guys, These Are Just Sarcastic, Weirdo Quotes That I'd Love To Share with you guys.. Also..These Qoutes Remind me Of Some Sitiuations In my Life..Might Be Useful To you Somehow..