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  • Internet Crush. - A Josh Dun x Reader Fanfiction.
    206K 6.4K 96

    [Please note that this story was written by a very inexperienced younger version of myself, in fact it is the first full length story I ever produced so excuse the quality. The only reason it is still available to read is due to the popularity it has received since being up, something I am forever grateful for.] Love...

  • LGBTQ+ Tumblr Textposts
    2.2M 133K 107

    this was written in like 2016-2017 so ignore the outdated references 😟😟 Collection of lgbtq+ tumblr posts

  • Guys. Gals and non binary pals
    11.4K 467 96

    I need somewhere

  • I'm hiding something
    42 7 3

    Cj has a little secret that may not be so little might be time her secret was told to the world 💜

  • One Last Time
    26 5 1

    One Last Time, a lullaby for 22 people in the crowd of that Manchester concert. (Ariana Grande's perspective)💖 (I sincerely hope this doesn't offend anyone in any way. I am, like most of you, in shock about this event and praying for it. Those 22 angels are safe in Heaven, don't you worry).