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  • Fake Love -- Dramione
    1.7M 45.1K 36

    "I want Astoria back, you want Weasel back - for some unknown reason. They'll come crawling back on their hands and knees. Simple, really." "Are you proposing we fake date?" I asked, incredulously. He smirked, "Oh Granger, that's exactly what I am proposing." --- Takes place eighth year and they all come back to Hogw...

  • Perfectly Matched | ᴅʀᴀᴍɪᴏɴᴇ ✓
    579K 16.6K 22

    On a fateful mission gone wrong, Auror Draco Malfoy gets mauled by a werewolf in an attempt to save his partner's life. When they rush him into St. Mungo's, the only healer Harry Potter will trust near his partner is his best friend, Hermione Granger, the head of the Trauma Ward. Little did they realize, healing Drac...

    Completed   Mature
  • Between Us - Dramione/Blinny
    1.5M 40.7K 50

    As the group of Slytherins sat down, Ginny noticed that Blaise was watching her, and when they made eye contact, he gave her a wink followed by a grin. Ginny felt her face heat up and she looked down at her desk, her brow furrowing. "Everything alright?" Hermione asked quietly. Ginny nodded silently and kept her eyes...

  • The Flower Shop (Hermione/Viktor)
    140K 4.1K 55

    Four years have passed since he left her at Hogwarts. Now a mediwitch at the Vratsa Vultures, Hermione is forced to deal with resurfacing feelings she once thought laid dormant. (Hermione and Viktor Fanficion)

  • Bulgaria
    7.9K 252 3

    Hermione goes to retrieve her parents, but is rejected by her mother. She and her father return to England, but need to move to live with the changes in their lives. In Bulgaria they learn to deal with reality and the fantastical. {Vikmione}

  • Veela and her wolf
    267K 6.9K 41

    COMPLETE!! Femslash, Fleur/Hermione pairing. Part 1, now complete!!! Set just before 4th year just before the Tri-wizzard tournament. Fleur/Hermione pairing, most likely other gay pairings. Wolf imprint/Veela Mate story rated M lesbian smut/sex included later in story, lots of story first Has some twilight crossover...

    Completed   Mature
  • The Only Exception || Lukanette 💙
    21.8K 1.3K 7

    AVVERTENZA! E' una storia [Luka x Marinette], pregherei quindi coloro a cui non piace la ship di non insultare e non leggere. E' principalmente un ipotetico seguito dell'episodio 12, Captain Hardrock. Inoltre i protagonisti nella storia hanno sui 16/18 anni :3 Estratto dal secondo capitolo: Non risposi, mi godetti so...

  • The Baby Project || dramione
    656K 14.6K 31

    The Golden Trio were three of the eight students who had decided to return to Hogwarts to complete their seventh year after having been interrupted by the war. A new class had been put into effect at Hogwarts by request of the Ministry. All seventh year students were now required to take a parenting class. The Ministr...

  • Simply Irresistible
    11.5M 317K 34

    Draco gave a cocky grin. "I am going to give you a makeover." "I'm sorry what?" "You heard me Granger, I'm going to give you a makeover that will make every man want you,and make Weasley die of regret. You will be simply irresistible." Now Complete!

  • The Marriage Decree
    1.4M 37.8K 156

    When all eligible wizards and witches are forced into marry in order to increase the population after the war, neither of them thought they'd ever have a chance at happiness again. Especially not with each other. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER.

  • Winners Keepers - Dramione || ✓
    1.5M 41.3K 33

    *COMPLETE* CRAZY and COMPLICATED. That's what Hermione's life becomes when, after a heated argument with the Slytherins, Ron impulsively bets away Hermione for the Quidditch Match. 🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲 ⚠️Be Warned: THERE WILL BE PEEVES. 👻👻👻⚠️ ⛔May contain MATURE THEMES ⛔ "Malfoy!" she spat. "How dare you come here??! Gi...

  • I Gemelli
    464K 27.1K 59

    Sono passati molti anni dalla sconfitta di Lord Voldemort. Hermione, è un Auror di successo alla ricerca però di una promozione che le permetterebbe di diventare un'Aether, un agente speciale dedito alle missioni più complesse e più a rischio. Finalmente le viene affidata un'occasione per salire di grado, un'occasione...

    Completed   Mature
  • Il Ballo del Giglio
    502K 15.8K 34

    "Draco Malfoy diede un tiro alla sigaretta e sorrise amaro. Che destino beffardo. Non riusciva ancora a credere che la sua vita fosse cambiata in maniera così drastica." Ed è così, le vite dei protagonisti sono cambiate. Lord Voldemort è stato sconfitto da Harry Potter durante l'estate del sesto anno e ad Hogwarts st...

  • Filix: La Strega del Re
    128K 8.3K 35

    Lawnland, XVII secolo d.C. Un nuovo re è appena salito al trono: giovane, affascinante, ambizioso; la sua forza di volontà non si ferma davanti a nulla e nessuno può frapporsi fra lui e il desiderio di avere per sé le dodici donne più belle di tutto il reame. Ma per la prima volta qualcuno intralcerà i suoi piani: una...
