(COMPLETED) Above It All
Tatyianna only knows pain, from a burn accident, losing her father, and the battle of keeping her mother alive. This plus size beauty is fighting an army all alone. Until she decides to go to the one person she thought she'd never have to encounter. This story isn't about the fat girl getting the hot guy. It's about t...
Kash promised Cammie that he would never leave but when the fast paced, gang life he once lived catches up with him, the life he planned for Cammie and their family is setback and sends Cammie spiraling downhill. Struggling to be independent until things get back to how it was supposed to be, Cammie refuses help from...
Hair ✓ Lipstick ✓ Smile (Perfect) Kenzie Clearwater is an average American girl. Although she doesn't consider herself to be a flapper, she still housed the same stylish attire-courtesy of her best friends- and visited the hottest juice joints in town. With her older brother on the brink of taking over the fa...
The sleek, two door Mustang races through the empty streets of Los Angeles at dusk as Kash tries to get away from the bright red Land Rover that stays on his tail as he cuts corners and swaps paint with parked cars. Kash looked next to him and in the passenger seat was Cammie Frederick. Highland County University's mo...