fugue // stucky
set after ca:tws fugue /fyo͞oɡ/ a state or period of loss of awareness of one's identity.
set after ca:tws fugue /fyo͞oɡ/ a state or period of loss of awareness of one's identity.
Newt had heard the stories, knew them like the back of his hand: everybody has a soulmate in this world, one person made just for them, blah, blah, blah. Their initials were inscribed on everybody's chest, just to the left of the sternum, directly over the heart. That he was fine with. The problem for him, personally...
For seventeen year old Newt, the number ten is everything. Ten steps. Ten times you must snap your fingers. Ten nods of your head. Ten. When he's put in a mental institution for his extreme OCD, depression and anxiety, he meets some unlikely friends. And possibly the boy he's been looking for his whole life. But can h...
Comment vous feriez si vous apprenez que vous allez devoir passer la soirée à un double rendez-vous avec votre petite amie, sa meilleur amie et le garçon sur qui vous avez crushé pendant des années sans même que ce dernier ne connaisse votre existence ?