Heartbroken Quotes
Here's to the ones who cried themselves to sleep, hiding their tears, forcing laughters, faking smiles, trying to hide it from everyone. Here's to the ones who are strong.
Here's to the ones who cried themselves to sleep, hiding their tears, forcing laughters, faking smiles, trying to hide it from everyone. Here's to the ones who are strong.
I'm here to inspire and share some of the quotes that can make you relate in life, love and friendship. :) Enjoy. Warning: Some of these quotes are not mine. :)
If you haven't read "Quotes and Funny Sayings" yet, you should go check that out before you read this. Anyways I hope you like it.
just some random quotes from random places **the beginning of this book is awful, i'm sorry but it get's better** **actually no it doesn't this whole book sucks, gotta blast!**