with you: words are not routines anymore / with you: is where home is / home is where the heart is / a pair of eyes and a turbulent pulse
with you: words are not routines anymore / with you: is where home is / home is where the heart is / a pair of eyes and a turbulent pulse
Dragă bunicule, Sunt deja aproape șapte ani de când te-am pierdut. Șapte ani în care am regretat fiecare moment în care, poate, te-am supărat, am fost obraznică cu tine sau nu te-am ascultat. Știu că m-ai iubit mai mult decât orice. Știu că mi-ai vrut întotdeauna binele. Mereu mă scăpai de dojana bun...
Lebensmüde is a German word that has no English equivalent. The word literally means being tired of life and was used to describe the dramatic and soul-crushing emotional agony of young Romantic poets. Nowadays, the word is simply used for when someone is going to do something stupid and reckless. ***This book is dedi...