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  • KWAD'AYI..
    24.9K 2.4K 19

    Ni y'ar babana ce amma na k'asa rik'e mashi darajarsa da martaba sunansa na Alamarram. Assaddik'u!! wannan dai Assaddik'un almajiran babana, mutumin da ya kasance mak'ask'anci wanda ke rayuwa a zauren gidanmu, mutumin da zaki nuna mashi harafin A babu makawa zai iya kiranta da Minjaye... To mi ya sani? bayan ya wanke...

    44.5K 2.1K 14

    Karka nuna dan yatsa akan kalar rubutun da Alkalamin kaddara yaima waninka. Baya tsallake kowa, naka a rubuce yake tun kamun samuwarka. Karkace zakai dariya akan kalar shafin rubutun Alkalamin kaddarar wani, a duk minti daya na rayuwarka sabon shafi yake budewa, waya san ko cikin shafukanka akwai rubutun dayafi nashi...

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    364K 31.3K 38

    "Banbancin kowacce rana na tare da yanda take sake kusantani da ganinki" #Love #Family #Military #LubnaSufyan

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    906K 81.1K 71

    This is not a love story but it is a story of love, of how it never dies no matter how long and how far apart the lovers are. Just follow my pen for I assure you, you are going to fall in love with Diyam.

    1.3M 37.6K 103

    Matar shi ce ta farko bata san haihuwa, idan ta samu ciki sai ta zubar, as ending yake yin auren sirri da mai aikin gidan

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  • UWA UWACE...
    278K 31.6K 49

    Uwa uwace... ku biyoni ku sha labari.

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    695K 58.6K 49

    Royalty versus love.

  • RASHIN SANI......!!!
    501K 26.2K 75

    Heart touching story. Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny. Destiny is no matter of chance. It's a matter of choice's. It's not a thing to be waiting for, it's a thing to be achieved. Our destiny change's with our thought, we shall become what we wish to become, do what we wish to do when our habitual th...

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    80.3K 6.4K 27

    Zumunci abu ne mai matukar muhimmanci, Wanda saboda muhimmancinsa Allah SWT ya yanke rahamarshi ga Wanda ya yanke shi...

  • Aisha_Humairah
    732K 63.3K 77

    It is a story about two sisters that are like the two sides of a coin, totally different yet part of each other. It is a story about loneliness, sadness, discrimination, hypocrisy, self pity and of course love. Get your handkerchiefs ready because this story will bring you tears. Enjoy

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  • Maimoon
    777K 57.7K 82

    It is a story about a typical Fulani Muslim girl with a perfect background and up bringing from a very wealthy family, who later meet with a destiny that totally changed her and left her hanging on a thin thread of her real self. It is a story about love, sacrifices for love and the consequences of that. Maimoon will...

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