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  • GerIta: Prank Gone Wrong
    128K 4.6K 28

    Italy and Germany were training one day while Japan watched with a cat purring steadily in his lap. England spied on the three, and for some reason had his wand with him, sticking up out of his back pocket. Italy stumbled upon the country, and stanched the wand, hoping to pull a prank on England. Instead it back-f...

  • Save Me from Myself [ UsUk/ UkUs ]
    106K 5.5K 33

    "Magic can be unpredictable. Especially when your dealing with a curse." Arthur said while unlocking the trap door. "There is no telling what could happen. You could lose your wings.... or worse." There was a click and Arthur placed the key in his pocket. He stood up and stared into Alfred's sapphire blue eyes. "You s...

  • Perseverance (Hetalia [FrUK])
    33.2K 1.6K 6

    America and Canada get England and France on a vacation together - because let's face it, they need it. But here's the catch: each thinks they're vacationing alone. What could go wrong? FrUK and some AmeCan bromance.

  • Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart - GerIta
    422K 13.6K 18

    AU. Italy, WW2. Feliciano Vargas is a passionate, if slightly scared, Italian resistance member. Falling in love with a German fighter pilot was the last thing he expected... and it will test his national loyalty, and his heart, to their limits. \\ I DO NOT OWN THE STORY! I read this online and I wanted to put it on W...

  • Red Eyes
    46.4K 1.5K 22

    When some countries go missing, everything entered hysterics. Secrets are revealed, heartstrings are pulled, and death is almost certainly awaiting. And Yet they weren't aware of the Red Eyes that watched their every move. -I don't own Hetalia.-

  • The Disappearance of England | Hetalia Fanfic |
    148K 6.1K 50

    During a World Meeting, countries noticed that the personification of England didn't attend. Most of them brushed it off thinking that he was just sick or didn't feel like coming and would be back at the second meeting. But they were wrong. After they checked England's home, they discovered he was missing with only a...
