The Oompa Loompas sexy time in the BAGGY BOXY
A world where the ORGY SIX are Oompa Loompas and HAVE A VIOLENTLY SEXY TIME.
A world where the ORGY SIX are Oompa Loompas and HAVE A VIOLENTLY SEXY TIME.
I am SO freaking weird like wtf... Ok, so imagine that Hank DID actually go to Cleveland to have his own personal aquarium so that way he can be in a state of solitude... NOW imagine when he meets the person that has to keep him in check and make sure he's well and stuff... That's when Hank develops a new th...
You thought The Cherry fic was bad? You thought The Hat fic was worse? Well The Bananna Fic is ten times as sexual and insane. Warning 18+ content extremely sexual and crazy.