The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1892)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle featuring his famous detective.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle featuring his famous detective.
Although these are called fairy tales, don't let that fool you ... not all of them have happy endings. In fact, some are filled with what nightmares are made of. Did you know that fairy tales in their original form were grotesque and frightening stories? Get ready to enjoy a collection of fairy tales that children sho...
WARNING! Please be advised that this is not a bedtime story about sparkly fairies and pink unicorns. This book may contain graphic descriptions of poisoned apples and witches' ovens. It is not appropriate for supernatural beings under the age of 377 (excluding vampires and werewolves). DISCLAIMER: Wicked Witches Inc...
At Greener Pastures Retirement Home, leisure time can prove perilous. When psychic (and hubcap retailer) Wanda Alewine pays a late-night visit to Myrtle Clover, she urges the octogenarian sleuth to head straight to Greener Pastures Retirement Home. But Wanda doesn't want Myrtle to consider the Home's dubious amenities...