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  • 病by感性的叶落成殇{凯千\改编\暴躁攻x自虐受}耽美系列
    13.5K 152 19

    改编|原著已授权|转自 贴吧 Bl虐文吧|作者 感性的叶落成殇 "王俊凯,我生病了。" "哦" "王俊凯,我告诉你妈我生病了。" "哦" "王俊凯,我告诉你妈我生病了你还不管我。" "艹,易烊千玺你不要给我太过分了,我住在这里不是为了让你给我妈告状的。"话音刚落便传来一声闷响,而方才端端正正站着的少年,被恶狠狠地摔在了地上。 "王俊凯......其实我没有告诉你妈。" "王俊凯,其实我生病什么的......都是骗你的。" 那人不要脸的笑着,脸色却瞬间变得煞白。 叶落出品保证虐,喜爱虐文的诸位十分的介绍 一切只是剧情需要

  • 一宠成欢,总裁的天价贵妻
    33.9K 2.2K 100

    一纸婚约,我嫁给了自己暗恋了十年的男人--沈墨琛。 我以为他一直都只是一个冷漠无情的人,却不曾想,他也曾对一个人倾心过,只是那份深情,从来都不是对我。 心如死灰,我终于递上了离婚协议书:"离婚吧。" 他看着我,眸色渐深:"既然你对我们的婚姻有疑问,那我不介意巩固一下。" ...... "沈墨琛,我们两个已经没有了任何瓜葛!" "那我就制造瓜葛。"

  • Learn Norwegian
    23.3K 681 26

    This book is going to teach you how to pronounce Norwegian words and other things. This is for beginners and its also going to teach you about Norwegians and their life style.

  • Learn French the Fastest Way for Free
    164K 4K 36

    This book is all about basic French. This includes the words, how to use them and their grammar. I'm still editing this book because I am planning to apply as a French teacher here in the Philippines one day. Please proofread my work and if you see anything wrong, please tell me so I can fix it. I am not a native Fre...

  • Learn French
    35.5K 1.1K 91

    Learning a new language can be intimidating. However, you may not even know it, but you already know dozens of French words from everyday English! Learn French with this easily. For practise, simply find a website or download the app "Duolingo" and begin the French Course! *My Phonics spin-off has been merged into th...

  • Learn Spanish (for beginners)
    28.4K 832 7

    Hi! So I'm glad to teach you all the basics you need to know , so that you can learn Spanish , with your efforts you'll succeed and learn to speak Spanish fluently.

  • Learn Spanish
    123K 2.6K 16

    Hi there! Yes , I'm taking to you person at the other side of the screen. Thanks for clicking on my book. That means you are eager to learn a new language, aren't you? You want to learn Spanish? If the answer was yes, then you've come to the right place. This book will teach you various things about the Spanish lang...

  • Learn Spanish | Aprende Español
    90.7K 1.9K 27

    Hello! Have you ever thought of learning Spanish, but didn't know how to start, or didn't want to pay classes for it? Then, this is your book! I'm going to teach you all you need to know to learn Spanish. But if you're wondering if you should trust this book, I tell you, don't worry. I am a native speaker, you can re...