(You have a new message.) "Need your help. Dec's been in the office all day and I can't get a hold of him, please do something."
(You have a new message.) "Need your help. Dec's been in the office all day and I can't get a hold of him, please do something."
Declan Donnelly knows that Anthony McPartlin has a soulmate. That when they were eighteen, a name appeared on Ant's body that meant that he had someone he could spend his life with, a person that would make Ant happy and loved without limits. Dec knows that because he has a soulmate of his own. Enter miscommunication...
These short stories are what I would have liked to have happened but didn't. Hope you enjoy!
The meeting was supposed to have started by now. But they were waiting on Dec, which normally isn't an issue. but an hour late is bad, especially considering that Ant was already there...
The NTA's 2019 are here... Based on a little tweet I found online. (First fic on here, I'm normally on A03! I might post it on there too, so don't fretted if you see it on there as well. haha!)
All along, he had thought he was immune but the itchy, red spots say differently.
How difficult can it be to walk two dogs in the park at the same time? Apparently, Dec is going to find out...the hard way.
25th September 2013. It's Dec's birthday, but no one seems to have remembered: not his family, not his best friend, not even their followers on Twitter. What's he to do?
One minute Dec is walking into his kitchen and the next he's waking up bound hand and foot in his lounge, watching two teenagers ransacking his home. It's going to be a long night.
Ant and Dec one shots. *Recent Upload* - 🤍 Sponsor to a Thief [Mature] Almost always AU. Mature content is labelled M in the title. Some stories may seem unfinished, i intend to complete them all at some point just some take longer than others :) if you have something you want to see finished and I haven't updated...
What if life had more surprises in store for Ant and Dec than they ever could have imagined?
I know this nightmare theme has been covered quite alot in fics,but I still wanted to give it a go myself!
When Eamonn is called to pick his littlest brother up from school, he has no idea just how sick their little squirt is. The next few days sure will be a lot of fun for him and the rest of the family. Shame their parents are away on holiday.......Sick fic.
Ant and Dec bared their souls in a moving interview with The Guardian, but rather than being liberating, admitting the painful truth to the public was proving to be quite damaging for one half of the Geordie duo...
During an interview for the Brits, Dec shows Dan and Phil what he would do if Taylor Swift would talk too much. Ant/Dec pairing based on an interview by Dan and Phil Fluffy
Ten signs of true love. Ten signs to prove Ant and Dec are made for each other. Chaptered fic Ten short chapters, each describing one sign of true love. Not spectacular, it's some allday scenes. Ant/Dec pairing. Loads of fluff 100% fictional English is not my first language, so I'm sorry for the mistakes in the text.
"I bet you have a relationship before this time next year." Stephen grinned. "Okay, what are we betting for?" Ant asked. Ant should not have done that bet. Ant/Dec pairing 100% Fiction AU With a little shout out to Dec's outfit in the final of IAC, CAUSE HE LOOKED SO FCKING GOOD THERE! English is not my first language...
After 25 years of lying, the boys can't take it anymore. It's time to come out of the closet. Ant/Dec pairing 100% fictional English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry for the mistakes in the text.
Basically just all my fluffs from now on in one place. 100℅ Fiction. Just gonna update every time I want to write one. I dunno.
A collection of one shots set in an AU where the boys are a couple, an adorable couple for that matter. Featuring tales of the two as they balance their personal lives with their professional ones, try to have private time, and other ups and downs couples have. But they always enjoy each ride with a kiss and a laugh...
Based on Prompts from Tumbler/Twitter/ Other sites... Suggestions are most welcome and feel free to nick the prompts from me.
It's a beautiful mid-summer day in late June of 2019, and the famous double act, Ant & Dec, have a couple of weeks off from work. Ant drops by for a surprise visit with his best friend, Dec, but not all goes to plan....
I will post all my future Oneshots here, probably most of it fluff, hurt/comfort and smut ;)
Dec is a nurse, but his colleagues don't know he's married to Britain's most loved actor. The moment Ant appears on the TV screen in the break room, it all gets very awkward. I LOVE writing Famous/Non-Famous AU's x) This one's a prompt I got off Tumblr. Ant/Dec pairing 100% fictional English is not my first language...
Who knew that Declan was such an accident magnet? Find out what happens when he finds himself alone and in need of medical help.
It's during a break when filming scenes for Byker Grove when Ant first discovers Dec's fear of birds.....