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  • Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completed
    32.7K 1.7K 46

    "What if I'm not one?" I asked, my body wound tight with tension. "One what?" he asked, his voice soft and low. I hesitated. Was I ready? I wanted to tell him so badly. Wanted to scream it from the fucking rooftops. But there would be no going back if I allowed the words to spill out into the world. Telling myself I...

    Completed   Mature
  • The Lesbian Princess
    79 6 2

    Amara Erendell is the most renowned princess in all the kingdom, she's kind, beautiful, and heir to the throne as her mother and father, the queen and king, aren't getting any younger or for that matter any kinder. she's soon to take their place when she turns 18 but what about her prince? what happens when she fina...

  • Marked For Death | klangst
    104K 3.4K 30

    After the fall of Zarkon and the return of Shiro, the Paladins -- along with Allura and Coran -- are in a state of comfort, enjoying each other's company and reminiscing fond memories. The universe is in a beautiful balance once again. Yet, what happens when that comfort is destroyed, and the balance is disrupted? Wha...

  • Soulmate stages (klance soulmate au) DISCONTINUED FOR THE TIME BEING
    34.3K 1.2K 48

    Original Description: When your born you are bonded with another person. This person is your soulmate. You will first be able to see color when you look at your soulmate. At 13 you will be able to write with your soulmate. At 16 you feel there pain. If you and your soulmate dont meet before this or you try to ignore...

  • Stars In The Sky Make Constilations That Look Like Us (Old & Discontinued)
    948 45 19

    The small white cat jumped in Pidge's lap as she leaned on her best friend's shoulder. She rubbed KittyRose's green collar, ringing the loud bell before Takashi's malamute broke the silence in a small, tired bark. "Those stars look like us." Shiro pointed out. Pidge's green eyes followed his gray eyes and sure enough...

  • My Klance Bible💜
    1M 10K 60

    If you're new here then welcome! This is a collection of MY favorite, Klance smut. Well mostly smut. I did not write all of these stories but will probably add some of my own. The authors will be at the end of the chapter. Hope you enjoy my collection! Edit: Also, THERE'S TRANS/OMEGA KEITH AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THE...

    Completed   Mature
  • Songs for all your Moods and Needs!
    9 1 2

    On each page there will be songs to help you find new jams, rediscover an old song, and overall have a yeetus McNeetus time with music! If you have any uh, recommendations, let me know!

  • Charmed
    15 1 1

    Lance is a son of Aphrodite and Keith is a son of Ares, Pidge is a daughter of Athena and Hunk is clear-sighted.

  • A Guide To Deductions
    117K 5.3K 15

    A guide to deduction, by Sherlock Holmes. If you would like to learn how to deduct people the way I do, to impress them, or for a good reason, or just to know you can, the secrets are inside my book.

  • How To Make A Mind Palace
    23.4K 1.1K 3

    Yes, Mind Palaces are real things. They are a memory tactic also known as the Loci Theory. If you would like to create your own mind palace, I have written all of my steps inside. Remember, it is not easy.

  • Bare me a kit
    76.2K 1.5K 10

    During a battle against the empire they captured the red Paladin. The Paladins must flee to live to get Keith back. While in captivity he becomes a lab rat for a new experiment. Which doesn't go as they plan.

  • The Nerd and the Jock- Klance au
    5.5K 72 14

    Keith is a jock that bullies Lance. But what they both don't know is that they both have a crush on each other. Pidge and Hunk are Lance's friends. What Lance doesn't know is that Pidge and Keith were childhood friends. Keith hadn't recognized Pidge until something happens. This causes Keith to start hanging out with...

  • Time and Time Again
    1.2K 41 15

    It's the future. Paladins are married. Children are conceived. The lion have picked new paladins, who call themselves the Paladins of the Gemstone Age. But wormholes and black holes and white holes and time get in the way of a lot. Follow a young part galra girl as she tries to bring her parents together, without tell...

  • Frost Pallura small town modern AU
    1.4K 42 3

    Running into someone. Nothing major untill Lance tells Pidge that he set her up with Instagram famous Allura. The frost bites unless you are with those you love.

  • Disconnect. (Allura/Pidge)
    4.2K 113 8

    As Pidge gets more frantic to find her family, her nerves only cause more stress and confusion. In hopes of regaining her focus, for the team and her own quest, she makes a device that stores away her emotions. All of them. (tw: addiction)

  • Lonely in the Dark // Pallura
    444 14 1

    Pidge hides her true feelings, but someone helps her show her true self.

  • Computer Club (Pallura High School AU)
    776 19 6

    A High School AU about Pidge and Allura. Pidge that shy kid who doesn't talk to anybody but Keith, Shiro, and Matt. Allura the most popular girl and head cheer leader. Best friends with Lance and Hunk who are the captains of the soccer team.

  • My Little Lesbean™
    23K 769 59

    Pidge is constantly getting in trouble for various things, like hacking into the school's emailing system to send memes to everyone with Lance, raiding the kitchen for snacks to bring to game club with Hunk, and 'accidentally' throwing binders aimed at Lance. Of course, one of those times the binder hits the passing b...

  • I love you- Pallura
    400 12 2

    This is how Allura learn something about love and herself. This is how Pidge learn how hack someone heart. This is a Pallura storya, Voltron don't belong to me. The cover isn't mine

  • Pallura is BAE
    13.2K 345 17

    Show: Voltron Legendary Defender Ship: Pallura (Pidge x Allura) Contains: Pictures, headcanons, memes, ... To all the pallura haters: don't comment hate, don't judge... Just don't read at all! To all the pallura shippers: welcome here, I hope you'll enjoy this story :)

  • Pallura Summer Camp AU
    670 16 1

    Katie Holt's father and brother went missing a year ago at an all boys summer camp. Now, since all of her family is dead, or presumably dead, she's thrown into the foster system. The summer after their disappearance, she tricked her foster parents, Zak and Sara, into thinking she was going to a different camp than her...

  • Make Me Your Home
    146K 7.1K 22

    "Oh my god, Keeeith," Lance wheezed. "Keith you're the best drunk space cadet I've ever seen." "Space cadet," Keith mumbled. He repeated the words again although his eyes had zeroed in on Lance's hands and Lance offered no resistance when Keith picked one of them up and pulled it possessively towards his lap. He beg...

    Completed   Mature
  • My crush on the Cheerleader (gxg)
    4.9M 144K 53

    Addison is gay and has a massive crush on a cheerleader at her school. A cheerleader who is supposed to be 'straight'. But as the school year progressives so does Addison's confusion about Blair. Maybe Blair isn't as straight as she seems... ---- "So a little birdy told me that you might have a crush on me, Is that...

    194K 3.4K 41

    You wanna learn about mythology? This is perfect for you to get to know them. Here, I will introduce to you some people and places. Also, you will enjoy stories about them. This book will served as reference to help you in educational purposes. It will also kill the curiousity of yours about mythology.

  • How To: Write A Book
    45.2K 2.5K 7

    Because we all need help sometimes.

  • The Writer's Resource - A Compilation of Helpful Writing Guides
    72.5K 2.4K 11

    The Writer's Resource includes guides, lists, and how to's for just about everything! Need a name for your character? Do you need some help on how to write, say, your southern character? The Writer's Resource has everything you need, and if it doesn't simply comment and we will compose something to your liking. ~A so...

  • How To: Make An Original Character
    265K 17K 25

    Highest Ranking: #1 in Non-Fiction [27.9.16] How many Kylies are there on this site? Do all of them have to have messy buns? Why does everyone love Starbucks so much? Why does every heroine have to have some sad back story? Why does everyone have to look like a model? Is there some really small gene pool that I don't...

  • 11 Ways to Wattpad like a Pro!
    279K 15K 19

    11 Top tips and tricks to get the most out of Wattpad! From a Watty Award winning author with over 30 million reads online.
