I actually tried with this one lololol just a Yuri x victor thaaang. Oh dear lord.... Anyway as the title says this is a lemon. Kill me.
I actually tried with this one lololol just a Yuri x victor thaaang. Oh dear lord.... Anyway as the title says this is a lemon. Kill me.
Shion just wanted to thank Rat for all he's done... To give him a goodnight kiss. But what will happen when things go a little further?
Light's sister, Sayu Yagami, misses her older brother. One day she finds a notebook looking similar to the Notebook of Death except it was white and had the words "Life Note" written on it. After finding out how it works, she brings Light Yagami back to life. As soon as he is brought back to life he begs his sister to...
Hello people of the internet im writing this BC why not
Note: This is NO LONGER the censored vesrsion of my L x Light Lemon ;3 This story features Misa, Lawliet, and Light... AND THERE LOOOVE >//3//< Stay tuned for Lawliet stealing Light from Misa cause she's a b***h ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)