Set in 18th century America, this story follows the story of Courtney Miller a smart young woman trapped by her family and a lowly highwayman, Shayne topp, and their strangely endearing love story.
Set in 18th century America, this story follows the story of Courtney Miller a smart young woman trapped by her family and a lowly highwayman, Shayne topp, and their strangely endearing love story.
I apologize to everyone in the Star Wars fandom. I'm so sorry for this. please read it
Jiwoo and B.M had lost each other years ago. In a sudden turn of events, they end up auditioning for the same group. They didn't recognize each other, until one day... ----------------------------------------------------------------- I carefully fished out the picture on his wallet. I turned to the side and looked at...
After joining UA for a fresh start, you are finally ready to put your toxic family behind you and live a new life, a good one. But old habits die hard. Haunting memories are hard to forget. Can one boy help you escape from the traumatizing nightmare you call your life? (WARNING: This story has mature themes such as de...
You've been a fan of the Resident Evil series for years, after waiting months for the new remake you finally get it. But just as you were going to play it for the first time you pass out and sometime later find yourself waking up inside the game! Joining forces with Leon, Claire and Sherry you fight your way out of th...
** DISCLAIMER: I wrote this when I was fourteen. Please keep that in mind when you read the overly dramatic passages, uncreative insults, and generally self-centered behavior. Grammar is 95% correct and story is very fun, but this was written by a 14 year old. You have been warned.** ---- "I'm a glass half-full kinda...
Everyone has demons, some louder than others and some, like yourself, who use blades to silence them. Before the world died, you were an assassin and thought you were better off alone, until you kept running into the same blue eyed archer who changed your mind. - Major Trigger Warning- SA. Incident not described in de...