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  • Mep--Year 2
    40 12 4

    Join Erika, Gamilla, Wednesday, Lydia, Peggy, and Eponine in the second year at Hogwarts! The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware. READ!! qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujmkilopqwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmlkjhgfdsaqwertyuiopmznxbcv Peggy, what's with that? ^^^ That was me being normal. Duh!^^^^ Geese Darr...

  • Characters in Todays World
    161 22 11

    The title says most of it. You can request Characters for me to do. It might take a while as I might not know the Character or know little about the Character, but I will try. :)

  • Hamilton University
    1M 37K 30

    The Hamilton college AU that nobody asked for but I wanted to write. Seriously, if you haven't listened to the Hamilton soundtrack GO DO IT. What happens when the immigrant orphan, exchange student, the school jock, and literally the gayest guy known to existence become friends? This will mainly be Hamilton X Laurens...

  • Musical memes n' stuff
    123K 3.7K 74

    Title..duh ^ Musicals that shall be used: BMC Wicked Mean Girls Beetlejuice DEH Heathers Hamilton And any other musical that I can't think of right now. and I'm sorry I couldn't resist- (I'm not really sorry tho)

  • BeetleJuice X Reader
    96.3K 2.2K 12

    I was bored when I wrote this, I would delete it but eh. This may be cringy and Im sorry for that. Also I write this character as possible trans, your character realizes she feels more comfortable in her own skin. I was still learning about the LGBTQ+ ⚠️Self harm and abuse ⚠️ ~you have been through a lot and your...
