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  • What She's Worth (Reylo)
    65.2K 1.8K 39

    After being sent to train under his uncle in the Jedi academy, Ben Solo meets a youngling girl who would change the course of his life. An alternative universe companion fic for Claudia Gray's "Bloodline" novel. A scenario in which Ben Solo and Rey are fellow students of Luke's Jedi Academy and the events that led to...

  • Díade - um Caminho à Frente para Ben e Rey
    28.1K 1.9K 24

    Após resistir às garras da morte em Exegol, Ben Solo foi levando a julgamento pela Resistência, disposto a aceitar com resignação qualquer destino que lhe coubesse. Redimido pela Luz, Ben terá que conhecer a si mesmo em sua verdadeira personalidade, enquanto descobre junto a Rey como vivenciar a realidade de serem uma...

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  • That Thing That Happened That Night...That Caused This
    62.9K 1.9K 31

    We all make mistakes, sometimes it's forgetting your keys at home ... sometimes it not calling your grandma back... sometimes it's that stranger at the bar in the hotel lounge where a crazy is taking place is the mistake .... ~Reylo AU~ •••Original Characters by George Lucas ••• *** all art goes to rightful*** • Rate...

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  • You're Not Alone Part 2 (Reylo Modern AU)
    22.3K 787 66

    Rey and Kylo are ready to start a new life as a family with their son. They are ready to have their careers and be there for their son. Just when life for them is going to be better, it turns out they need to go through much more obstacles. Their family is being controlled by Snoke. Their jobs are pulling them away f...

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  • A Star Wars Reylo AU: The Taming of the Professor
    74.1K 3.2K 56

    In this AU, our Star Wars darlings have their feet planted firmly on Earth, at The University, where Rey is placed with Dr. Solo as an adviser. Can she tame this shrew of a man? I have a new story published on Wattpad called "Skywalker Rises." It's a fix fic for TROS. 😊 *None of the artwork associated with this story...

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  • Sugar and Spice (A Reylo AU)
    52.1K 1.5K 17

    Rey bakes when she's stressed, but unfortunately never has enough room to finish all of her baked goods. Thus leading her to give her neighbor- who she may or may not have the hots for- her leftovers. This is filled with tropes, cliches, and possible smut. Beware of the cheesiness!

  • Temptation Of The Force [REYLO]
    23.1K 502 19

    Rey and Ben Solo meet at the Jedi Academy, when they are little. But when Snoke has turned Ben, he destroyes the Jedi Tempel and Luke sents all of his pupils to different forser families and clears their memories of the Jedi Academy. But only Rey and nowadays Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) remember a little pieces of their child...

  • 1 Little Mistake
    49.9K 1.3K 45

    Rey was getting married. Bachelorette Party Time. After getting so drunk she ended up sleeping with a random guy, who was married as well, Kylo Ren. Both agreeing to never see each other again, they both ended up working in the new hotel. Can they both hide what they feel each other, how close can they get when both...

  • Hard To Get Rid Of (Reylo)
    24.8K 971 46

    Palpatine's and Skywalkers' families had been enemies for generations but had been avoiding war. Every Forty years a peace treaty is signed, but the future King of Alderaan, Naboo, Chandrila, and Tatooine, Ben Organa-Skywalker Solo and the future empress of Exegol, Jakku, Coruscant, and Mustafar, Rey Palpatine have an...

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  • Equilibrium
    30.5K 2K 30

    Por séculos, Jedis e adeptos á Força tem se empenhado para encontrar o equilíbrio do universo. Os sábios dividiram suas ideologias entre luz e escuridão, bem e mal, amor e ódio. Profecias de possíveis escolhidos, magia e estudo não foram o suficiente para identificar o delicado ponto de harmonia da galáxia. O que, en...

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  • Ironias do Amor (Reylo)
    23.1K 1.8K 30

    Teria sido um lapso momentâneo ou um erro irremediável? Ou apenas uma escapada do estresse do dia-a-dia? Nestes dias tão conturbados com o início de seu estágio e a proximidade de sua formatura levaram a garota a uma explosão de sentimentos e ações descompensadas. Na verdade, tudo que ela podia depreender daquela situ...

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  • Wanna join me?
    10.7K 783 9

    ❝E se não houver amor suficiente para nós dois, te darei todo o meu❞ Após a morte de Snoke e a permanecia da conexão da força, Kylo Ren e Rey encontram-se entre a decisão de vencer a guerra ou deixarem seus sentimentos falarem mais alto. https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/wanna-join-me-13100124

  • One Last Night
    86.2K 5.1K 32

    Rey e Kylo Ren descobrem que não são tão diferentes. Ambos estão obcecados com o passado, porém, de maneiras diferentes; Rey está tentando encontrar o dela enquanto Kylo está tentando escapar dele. Ambos estão dispostos a ir aos extremos para alcançar seus objetivos... mas até que ponto isso será possível sem quebrá-l...

  • Eu prometo,apenas por uma noite [Hiatus]
    3.9K 230 5

    Um reencontro entre os atores para conversar sobre o novo episódio de Star Wars; todos estava animado com um novo percurso a correr no filme mas para alguns nada estava perfeito, principalmente Adam Driver estava com problemas no casamento e Daisy Ridley estava tendo dificuldades em seu namoro, com problemas iguais, e...

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