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  • Stratená princezná
    17.8K 781 47

    Štyria hrdinovia, ktorí ovládali živly, zachránili svet pred temnotou a spoločne vybudovali svet, kde prevládal mier a pokoj. Teda aspoň na začiatku to tak bolo. Teraz sú to ich potomkovia, ktorí musia zachrániť svet, no, čo ak ich cestu skríži láska, nenávisť, smútok alebo rôzne iné pocity? Zachránia svet alebo upadn...

  • Just Another Goal (Counting on Hockey #1)
    436K 6.7K 41

    *Book one of the Counting on Hockey series* To Meredith, watching hockey was torture. But her sister was a hockey player. She wanted nothing to do with hockey, even thinking about it made her angry. But she had her reasons. Starting 10th grade at a new school, meant hockey was everything there. The whole school was o...

  • The Tales of a Future Hockey Wife
    283K 5.2K 68

    Eleanor never understood how someone could hold such a deep passion for hockey. Ben never understood how someone could not share his passion for hockey. When Eleanor meets Ben after being forced to attend one of his games, her view changes. When Ben falls in love with Eleanor, he still hasn't changed much. During the...

  • All The Wild Ones | Wildfire Series
    4.3M 128K 95

    {18 + COMPLETE | FREE STORY w/ Paid Bonus Content • COLLEGE SPORTS ROMANCE} Wednesday Elez's father immigrated to America so he could be with her mother, and it has taught her one thing: love has no bounds. The only thing that Wednesday-or Nessa-wants is to find a love like her parents have. But she's also pretty sure...

    Completed   Mature
  • What Summer Brings
    2K 117 26

    Sixteen year old Tinsley Mathis seemingly has a good high schooler's life. She's dating Manuel Rivera, who is one of the hottest guys at school, has three best friends, and has a good relationship with her mom. But on the last day of school, her and Manuel go to a party, and she catches him flirting with a girl, which...

  • Caught Inside
    106K 5.8K 41

    [ sequel to Can't Get Enough ] With their surfing safari over and their summer coming to a close, a tight-knit group of Californian teens are preparing for a new school year and the new problems it entails. For Alana, it seems simple: join the surf team, focus on graduating, and grow closer to the guy who captured he...

  • Ocean life
    61.5K 833 30

    There's a girl name Lois Sea. She lives in North Carolina. She loves to surf. The beach is near her house. She has the world's bestest friend. But a new lifeguard comes and things keep changing this summer. And that's just the new beginning. There's going to be....betrayal, tragedy, romance and more

  • for the guy with the grey sweater [SK]
    26.1K 3.4K 61

    for the guy i see every so often but i'm too shy to talk to. Copyright © 2018 Original story by | @emilyajh

  • Aeipathy ➳ Normani ✓
    80.5K 4.3K 30

    Love not only entails passion. It is about endurance. After a devastating breakup to a woman she envisioned a permanent future with, Normani Kordei hopes that this love with Keith Ikande will pass the test of time. ♕ black love contemporary romance, extended synopsis inside. ♕ © dzangiewrites 2017. all rights reserve...

  • Mend My Heart
    410K 28K 44

    One mistake at work lands Maya Knight paying off a debt in the hands of a troubled, wealthy, and undeniably attractive man. But the real debt, she soon finds, is in their hearts. Can they save each other? *** After getting kicked out of her parents' home, Maya Knight moves to Malibu t...

  • Hired To Love
    55.4M 1.8M 67

    Henley agrees to pretend to date millionaire Bennett Calloway for a fee, falling in love as she wonders - how is he involved in her brother's false conviction? ****** Henley Linden's brother is in jail for a crime he didn't commit, and she'll take any job to raise the money needed to free him. Soon, she's agreed to pr...

    Completed   Mature
  • The Football Player And The Cheerleader
    170K 3.8K 31

    Sage, the football player, star quarterback and feared by everyone. Comes home to a junkie mother and a abusive alcoholic step dad. Always hoping that this football career would go somewhere so the next thing that would happen, is a good college scholarship far away from the hell hole. What happens when ' The One ' sh...

  • Jahodový Dážď ✔
    90.9K 5.1K 48

    Rukami som hladila knihu po knihe až som sa zastavila na jednej. ,,Známi anglickí básnici a ich diela" Otvorila som ju na neznámej strane, no ihneď som spoznala to dielo. ,,Čuj, to anjelov sú sbory, Boh ich soslal, aby chorý, komu srdce žiaľom horí, našiel vytúžený mier! Rozpomienku na Lenoru bôľnu shladil jeho mier...

  • Summer camp
    52.3K 1.7K 26

    16 year old girl named crystal falls in love with the guy that she knows since 11th grade named Jacob. Later she meets Ricky the guy that changes her life and her view of point in her best friend Jacob. **Description doesn't sound good but give it a chance please

  • Uväznená
    225K 9.2K 42

    Laura si žije klasický život tínedžerky. Lenže po ceste zo školy ju unesie neznámy chalan a ocitne sa v pivnici pripútaná k stene. Prečo ju uniesol? Čo chce s ňou spraviť? Zachráni sa Laura? Prečítajte si príbeh a všetko sa dozviete. NOVÁ ČASŤ KAŽDÚ NEDEĽU!!!! LEN 15+. Obsahuje nechutné a drastick...

  • Summer Camp
    374K 7.7K 31

    [COMPLETED - 2012] When Grace Everly goes to the whole summer-length camp, Jedson, things turn out crazier than she expected. She makes some new friends, she makes some enemies, she meets some boys, and what happens when a bomb is dropped on her about her family right in the middle of the camp? This has all the maki...

  • Soccer Girl
    547K 13.3K 53

    This is a story of a true soccer girl. Her name is Abigail. She has just move to New York because her father is in the marines and got stationed there. This story is about how she adjusts and prospers in this place so different than Louisiana. It's also about how family and friends can get you through even the toughes...

  • For The Love of Volleyball
    32.4K 692 32

    Isabella Hooker, or, Izzy has been playing volleyball since she was 10 years old. She wants to follow in her big sister's steps and play in the Olympics. It's Izzy's senior year and she's planning on applying to all D1 schools, hoping it would get her a better chance to become closer to her dream. She's so focused on...

  • Volleyball
    70.7K 1.1K 33

    18-years-old volleyball captain, Ben Miller, was a brainiac and bad guy who bullied the freshmen, made fun of the sophomores and played around with the senior girls just for fun. He had never been a nice guy. But behind those awful things he'd done in school, he was more than that, he was more than anyone had seen h...

    98.3K 3.6K 73

    Láska je cit, ktorý sa nikomu nevyhne a ktorý zamáva každým človekom. Jeremy bol doteraz spokojný so svojím životom a myslel si, že mu nič nechýba. Všetko sa však zmenilo, keď uvidel Mercy. UPOZORNENIE: v príbehu sa nachádzajú scény nevhodné pre čitateľov mladších 18 rokov #3 v romance - 12.4.2020❤️

  • Slúžka
    306K 20.3K 36

    "Žiadna z nás nevedela, komu bude odteraz zahrievať posteľ."

    35K 1.5K 29

    Každá škola má svoju skupinu najpopulárnejších ľudí. Nazývajú ju ELITA . Aj keď sú celý čas na očiach a všetci na škole ich riešia, nikto ich aj napriek tomu nepozná. Pred všetkými skrývajú jedno obrovské tajomstvo, o ktorom sa nesmie nikto dozvedieť. #1 in werewolf ❤️ 05.01.2019❤️ #2 in fantasy ❤️ 01.01.2019 ❤️

  • Chlapec od vedľa ✔
    40.7K 2.7K 53

    Kým som ho nemala, nevedela som, že ho potrebujem. Sam vkročil do môjho života nečakane ako letná búrka, ale už navždy sa stal jeho súčasťou... #1 in best friends (04.08.2018) #1 in Slovakia (13.11.2018)

  • Guard [sk]
    242K 13.5K 45

    Každý mesiac je preč, doma nebýva často a vie, že cestovanie po svete by jeho dcéru nebavilo. Premýšľal nad priateľmi, ale nechce im pridávať o ďalšie starosti naviac. Preto bolo jeho jediným východiskom, zohnať jej opatrovateľku. Aké to však pre Vanessu bude, keď sa ním stane muž? -Theo James -Chloe Moretz

  • Raven's Girl
    19.6K 2.7K 32

    Angelica Root žije bežný život obyčajného dievčaťa, až na to, že nie je celkom obyčajná. Má zvláštnu schopnosť - dokáže predpovedať smrť. Do jej života prichádza zvláštny chlapec, Mark Raven. Sťahuje sa do starého opusteného domu, v ktorého podkroví žijú krkavce. Ich cesty sa schádzajú za neobyčajných okolností a Mark...

  • Dnes som zamilovaný ✔ prebieha korektúra
    7.1K 6 1

    Sukničkár Braňo každoročne započne na Silvestra svoj týždňový žúr v spoločnosti fliaš od alkoholu, s cieľom naplno osláviť predchádzajúci rok vo veľkom štýle. Čoskoro mu však padne na číselníku tridsiatka a on si v slabom okamihu spontánne kupuje letenku do trópov. V podstate si od toho sľubuje len nonstop vyvaľovanie...

  • V tvojich rukách - VYDANÉ KNIŽNE pod názvom "STRACH"
    912K 1.5K 3

    Je jej únoscom, no zároveň jediným, kto ju smie chrániť. „V každom ryse jej tváre som nachádzal tisíc podobností s človekom, ktorého by som dokázal dobiť holými rukami. Spôsobom, akým sa dívala, hovorila, či hýbala, mi ho pripomínala tak vtieravo, že som jej mal chvíľami chuť urobiť to, čo by som bez váhania spravil...

    152K 4.3K 73

    Och, áno, nesmierne ju vytáčal. Až tak, že pomsta chutila sladko ako med, voňala sťa čerstvý hrnček kávy a vyzerala nehanebne lákavo. Pomsta bola len kvapkou v mori bolesti, ktorú spôsobil jej rodine. Problém bol v tom, že nebola jediná, kto prahol po odplate. Vždy sa vravelo, že hranica medzi láskou a nenávisťou vie...

  • To, čo sa nikdy nemalo stať
    979 111 45

    Joy je mladá 17-ročná študentka, ktorá chce nájsť toho, kto jej zavraždil rodinu. Vydáva sa na nebezpečné chodníky. Zistí, že vo všetkom má prsty nová a veľmi nebezpečná mafia. Joy chce pomôcť Kevin, jej bývalý najlepší kamarát, s ktorým sa pred rokom poriadne ostro pohádala. Všetko sa skomplikuje a veci sa vyvíjajú i...

  • Musím už ísť
    50.1K 6.6K 58

    Tonka má neobvyklé meno, zato úplne obyčajný život. Práve skončila gymnázium, nastupuje na vysokú, má najlepšiu kamošku a zopár koníčkov. Malomestská nuda. Ale ak sa pripletie do života niekomu, kto vie, ako sa zabaviť, objaví nový svet. Mišo a jeho kamarát sú ako neriadené strely. Kam prídu, tam je zábava. Až kým... ...
