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  • Bellatrix Blacks' daughter
    3.4K 58 11

    [ The story is set two years before Harry gets to Hogwarts ] Audrey Black, the daughter of Bellatrix Black and Tom Riddle. After her mother was sent to Azkaban, when she was 3, her father look after her pretty well. That was until she was 10 and 3/4 years old, when she told her father she was gay. After she told him...

  • My Beloved
    5K 191 7

    All mistakes are mine. I usually write when I'm dead ass tired. I write more descriptive words.. scenes.. anyway. It's bellamione. Read if you want. Any points or ideas feel free to tell me. (Part of ch.1) "Bossy" Ginny whispered. "Watch it traitor. Your dear friend brought me here without my ok. I don't even know w...

  • La princesse des ténèbres
    7.3K 301 4

    Ever Black a été recueillie par Voldemort. Bellatrix Lestrange l'a élevé. Comment est ce possible ? Bellatrix Lestrange élever un enfant ? Et oui ! Et cette histoire est celle de cette enfant. Protégée de Voldemort, de Bellatrix et de tous les mangemorts. Je vous laisse découvrir la suite par vous même. J'espère que...

  • [Bellamione]
    46.4K 1.3K 10

    Attention lemon bellamione homophobe je vous prie de prendre la porte Après la guerre la vie a repris son cours le golden trio et reparti pour deux nouvelles années à poudlard (ils ont redoublé ça m'arrange donc on cherche pas) dumbeldor est mort (désolé mes choux) Molly a était tué par bellatrix (désolé de devoir f...

  • Les os les plus improbables
    478 19 2

    Comme le titre indique voici les os les plus fous des couples Harry Potter totalement WTF. Prenons un exemple Ombrage le semble très peu approprié et au hasard du c'était potter son amant d'un soir. 😂

  • Weakened
    603 3 2

    The Horcrux hunting was going fine. Until snatchers found Harry, Ron, and Hermione and brought them to Malfoy Manor. There, Harry Potter is tortured and battered for the hell of it and Ron and Hermione are forced to watch. This goes on for seven days. On the eighth day. HE comes.

  • Harry Potter One Shots
    3.7K 24 5

    One shots! :))

  • Dark Allure a Bellamione Oneshot
    4.2K 121 1

    Bellatrix always had a knack for reeling the unexpected in. But it came to something more than just a mere surprise when her next interest was someone forsaken to come in contact with.

  • OS Bellamort
    3.3K 112 5

    Voici des Os que j'ai écrit moi-même. Ils ont tous le même sujet, le ship Bellamort😍 Il peut en avoir en deux partie, je verrai. Aussi, vous pouvez me faire des commandes pour des scénarios . Les personnages appartiennent à J.K Rowling.

  • Bellatrix and Voldemort
    11.5K 200 5

    Fanfic about Voldemort and Bellatrix!! First full story! All characters are J.K. Rowling's. Enjoy!

  • Toujours Pur |
    176 11 1

    Here are some one shots about our favourite Black, Bellatrix! These will be about her life, her sisters and Lord Voldemort. [WORK IN PROGRESS] started 9/10/19 enjoy!

  • Bellatrix Black X Hermione
    3.3K 62 1

    After turning to a life of theft, Hermione suddenly gets captured into helping the dark Lord. However, along the way, She and a certain dark witch become close in an unexpected way....

  • A List of 34 Ways to Annoy the Dark and Light
    9.6K 385 10

    The tittle says what it is.

  • Scarlet's vow
    3.6K 54 4

    Severus Snape had many dirty little secrets, his beloved wife being one of them.

  • Loving for a lifetime ~Bellamort
    630 22 2

    Just a fun little Bellamort fluff, because it seems really hard to find those... ❤️❤️❤️

  • Bellamort: an erotica
    12K 137 4

    An erotica based on the love-life of the Dark Lord and his most staunch follower, Bellatrix. And of the dark secrets they kept, hidden from all.

  • Life of a Death Eater
    3.7K 142 5

    Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black. The most powerful dark witch and the first woman who joined the Dark Lord and his deal. But how was her life before she became the witch we knows, hate and, for the people like me, also love?

  • The Greatest Ally (Harry Potter Fanfic)
    66.9K 2.1K 10

    Tom knew he was loosing the battle against the 'light'. He knew that if he lost the war, the world will plunge into chaos because of Dumbledore. He, and his allies needed help. They needed someone to go into Hogwarts and make people realise the truth. He wanted his son to know the truth. But how? A rumor he heard a l...

  • Drawn to the darkness
    84.1K 2.3K 25

    Do you believe in soulmates well the golden girl Hermione granger didn't. This is until a certain dark someone entered her life.

  • Strange Desires
    130K 3.4K 33

    **DISCONTINUED** #HPAParticipant2020 So this is obviously a Bellamione story, and the context is that Hermione got somewhat of a crush on Bellatrix at some point. This takes place after the war, and somehow, Bellatrix is still alive. Don't question it. K. Read now.

  • Ask or Dare Tom Riddle
    3.4K 168 32

    Hello I'm Tom Riddle. I'd greatly appreciate it if you asked me some questions or even just had a 'friendly' chat (for no other reason than that I like spending time with you and nothing to do with any special properties that this diary may hold) I am sad to say we cannot meet in person and can only communicate throug...

  • Gryffindor
    1.7K 53 7

    In which Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Draco Malfoy, and Hermione Granger are all "GRYFFINDOR" And canon is far away from canon "Why?", you may wonder? Read to find out. Everything belongs to J.K. Rowling except the plot because "I'm The-One-Who-Plotted" Lol J.K., I'm actually "The-One-Who-Hid-Emotions" But none of y...

  • Top Ten Reasons To Love...
    9.6K 278 4

    Contains a sexy Slytherin, a gorgeous bat, a noseless Dark lord, and many other characters. Ten reasons why you should love them. :)

  • 30 Ways to Piss Off The Harry Potter Cast [Watty Awards 2011]
    891K 31K 16

    Do you have a death wish? Ever wanted to know how to piss off the members of the Harry Potter cast? Well now you know! 30 failproof ways to piss off Volde-er, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Snape, Malfoy Jr. and Sr., Bellatrix, the Golden Trio, Umbridge, and many more. :)

  • Silent Prisoner
    1K 45 1

  • Bellamione one shots
    9.7K 198 3

    Written as a request. Bellamione one shots, smut most likely in some chapters, but humor is over arching theme

  • Darker than Voldemort
    462K 9.3K 27

    There's a secret about Voldemort. He has a daughter that was taken away from him. There was a rumor that the baby died. There were other rumors about the baby being killed by Voldemort, the baby being locked up, and some about the baby taken to the muggle world. The secret is that one of the rumors were true. Which on...

  • Letters to Snape on how to Save a Life
    188K 7.2K 23

    Severus begins to recieve letter from a depressed student. Who she is, he does not know. Does he write back to her, and saves her life? Or does he resort to shunning every one out of his life?
