科幻 Stories

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14 Stories

神紀元 by 9oqjwj
神紀元by 讚 喔
V117 by Kii9011
V117by 筱筱灬
电影世界 by zifeng8023
电影世界by zifeng8023
Xu Yifan didn't know what was going on, but one thing he deeply understood was that he could dominate his own destiny only if he became stronger.
Program6 by andres_loo
Program6by andresworkshop
遮天蔽日 by az9527888
遮天蔽日by 不吃土豆
In the depths of the universe, where coldness and darkness coexist, nine massive dragon corpses pull a bronze ancient coffin that has existed since ancient times. This i...
Dilemma by Ethanon1994
Dilemmaby Sabina Sarie
At three o'clock in the morning, my phone suddenly rang. I squinted and opened the text message. It turned out to be a gif: a head, hanging under the crescent moon, slow...
学神尖端科技体系 by NanCheng-007
学神尖端科技体系by nancheng wu
In a fantasy world called the "Wisdom Realm", knowledge and talent are the standards by which everything is measured. Here, points are the only indicator of pe...
哆啦A梦大结局之大阴谋哆啦没梦 by xlin6798
哆啦A梦大结局之大阴谋哆啦没梦by 花花公子
这部动漫并不是你看到的那么简单,哆啦A梦里面,每个人都深藏着巨大的阴谋,大雄,哆啦a梦,哆啦美,胖虎,小夫,静香,出木杉等等的每一个人,他们都没有表面看起来的那么简单,他们为了各自不可告人的秘密,紧密的牵扯在了一起。   看似欢乐平静的童年时光,其实却是勾心斗角,尔虞我诈,斗智斗力的顶级较量,表面的风平浪静只是为了掩饰下面的暗流滚滚,直...
Purity/Future 純潔/未來 by ceramideplus
Purity/Future 純潔/未來by Ceramideplus
What should I have mentioned is that this story fell in the genre of mystery, science fiction and thriller. And the main characters were iron-blooded, determined and log...
起风了 by jianfuatdao
起风了by jianfuatdao
偶时面对微风,脸上有种莫名的清新。 偶是面对大风,心里会被刮得颤动。 起风了,风要说的故事,把心灵的洗涤交给风吧。
神世轮 by andres_loo
神世轮by andresworkshop
前言:有人说, 人死后要么上天堂, 要么就下地狱. 但没有人知道, 其实当人在一个世界生活一段日子后, 都会到一个叫做轮界的地方, 利用神世轮将人们带到另一个世界去. 神世轮便是通往不同世界的门, 由天神掌管. 但是, 神世轮庞大的力量成为了四方妖魔鬼怪的目标. 轮界因此引发了可怕的战争, 天神们将神眷送到了人间, 希望借助人们的力量...