Frozen Rose (Male Reader x RWBY Ru...by Irishwindz
"Frozen Rose" unfolds in the fantastical world of Remnant, where ancient tales and modern adventures collide. The story follows the life of Y/N Shcnee , a myst...
You Can't Be Human! Highschool Dx...by Irishwindz
This story starts with a baby boy left on a door step This baby boy is known as Y/N Little does this boy know but he will one day become one of the most feared person in...
The Saiyan Professor: Male reader...by Irishwindz
You are Y/N L/N A Saiyan born on a spacecraft and then left to die on an Unknown Planet, You were found and raised by Ozpin before setting out on your own, You joined Be...
Misplaced innocence: Ruby Rose Mal...by Irishwindz
A Naive and broken boy starts to understand that you can't help the corrupted and you must get rid of them so others can prosper.
Survivor (Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reade...by Irishwindz
In the year 2007 a 14 year old orphan boy who apparently lost his parents to ghouls, Was recruited into a new "Training program" for the CCG along with 14 othe...