Title: The Lost Prince of Hogwarts by Lele
Title: The Lost Prince of Hogwarts
Harry Potter, born as the oldest child of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, was destined for a life of royalty and privilege...
Crown of Destiny: Princess Aurora'...by Lele
Title: Crown of Destiny: Princess Aurora's Journey
Summary: In a spellbinding tale of love, duty, and destiny, Princess Aurora T, the youngest daughter of the Spanish ro...
Rise of The Forgotten Monarchby Lele
Title: Rise of the Forgotten Monarch
In a world where magic was lost centuries ago, Liam Gray is an ordinary orphan scraping by in the slums of Etheria. One fat...
Surviving toxicity by Kao Goitse Othusitse
A story about surviving and actually thriving around a very toxic environment.It could be home, school or workplace
The Sire's Sins: Why Bloods Should...by Mizz Fantabulous
Aria is often called weird: coz she loves things others don't. The colour black, snakes, tattoos, solitude and many more unusual things. Then one day she finds out that...