The Warrior Of Time (Dragon Ball X...by Arch-Knight
In age 852, peace has been achieved in the dragon ball timeline. Ever since the release and defeat of the demon god Demigra, the Supreme Kai of Time, Chrona and Trunks h...
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: The Ultim...by Jawesomness16
This is the story of Jayson, a young saiyan who is now the child of a saiyan mother and human father, who dreams of becoming part of the time patrol, a popular group of...
The monkey miraculous (dbz x mirac...by ActandRead
My name is Pawnsnip Kurusu and I'm a time patroller, one day the supreme Kai of time gave me a mission to do with the new universes lord Zeno created and I would be the...
To Be A Time Patrollerby mattt
8 years after the events of Xenoverse 2, a 16-year-old Sayian named Renhan is aiming to be a master Time Patroller. This explores his adventures making new friends and e...
Saiyan Time Patroller Heroby FiveCent00
After the hardest fight of her life, and the loss of her sister, Elite Time Patroller Sarada gets sent to another world. A world that has many heroes...
I own nothin but...
DragonBall Roleplayby D E D A C C O U N T
Anything Dragon Ball will be included you can basically do anything but disrespect, you may ask to role-play with me. You can use your OC's if you want! Have Fun!!
One's duty: Journey of a time patr...by Ya boi l
"BUT WHY!?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!?!" "Because everything I ever believed in has been a lie. My al...ga...ce li...s ...th ...e...g...a. Go...