Hilliam (Henry x William)by Ŋamiđa Møøn
A story beisde on of two Best Friends sence childhood. This two Best Friends go through a rough road to get to the place they are now.
#BottomWilliamAfton #TopHenryEmil...
Welcome to William Afton abused li...by gsgsgdhdfgfdff
So William Afton keeps gets abused by Clara Afton and Elizabeth Afton and Michael Afton and Chris Afton care of him
Smoother and Adam the Brown Train by fggsgdgcfhdd
So Smoother is Overprotective of Chris Afton and William Afton and Adam the Brown Train is Overprotective of Michael Afton
Protect herby AlastorsTears
Elizabeth Afton is hated by her brothers and mother, but her father is always there to help he no matter what what happens when one day Clara takes it to far and dismant...