Teenage Tangled: unraveling the kn...by Vasundharaa
The teenage years are just the beginning: this story goes beyond first loves and friendship dramas to explore identity, family secrets, and the bittersweetness of growin...
Theoretically In Love by ✨
Athanasia Vlare Gonzales, an 17 year old senior high school student and Eleven Gabrielle Damaris Sinx, an 18 year old boy finally finds each other despite years of separ...
Stars From Aboveby y3ssaaa
Varsha Rhaine Ledezma, a consistent Dean's Lister, Student Council President at De La Salle University, admired by her batchmates in HUMSS and a competitive foe. She's a...
Untangle Chainsby ypen 💫
Kat never imagined that she would ever feel jealous of someone. Being good at everything was her personality. Throughout elementary and middle school, she remained groun...