Sole Survivors (A Zombie Apocalyps...by Apologetic Cactus
I'm Alaynna, I'm 17 years old, and I "live" with my 7 year old brother Gunner, 9 year old brother Ty. I also "live" with my two dogs, Rudy and Boulde...
Paranormal Investigators and the S...by Apologetic Cactus
Red, crazed eyes brightened, coming close. Terrified of what he had become, the invisible soul of a man by the name of Johnny Ghost floated next to his British parter ~a...
Love From a Fangirl (VenturianTale...by Apologetic Cactus
I'm Alaynna, and I love VenturianTale, but when I meet them I end up falling for one of them. I always loved them in videos, but this was real life, and that's different...
A Journey I Never Expected (10th D...by Apologetic Cactus
I'm Alaynna, and I'm 25. When I was walking across the street on my turn to walk a drunk driver was headed straight towards me! I screamed and then heard someone yell &q...