#151 Things Jasper Hale is Not Allow...by Mads17.3K3371fictiontwilightlist+10 more #251 Things Emmett Cullen MUST Remem...by Mads8K1831funnycullenbella+7 more #351 Things Alice Cullen is Not Allo...by Mads13.7K2641cullenbellavampire+8 more #451 Things Emmett Cullen is NOT All...by Mads10.5K2381vampiretwilightlist+5 more #551 Things Emmett Cullen is NOT All...by Mads7.4K1461jaspersevencullen+8 more #651 Things Rosalie Hale is Not Allo...by Mads11.1K1901thingsalicecullen127rosalie+7 more #751 Things Carlisle Cullen is NOT A...by Mads11.1K2811alicecullen127jaspercullen+6 more #851 Things Emmett Cullen is NOT All...by Mads10.4K1541cullenlistjasper+8 more #951 Things Emmett Cullen is Not All...by Mads4.9K641funnyvampireemmett+7 more #10Everland (3 part story)by Mads5.1K542everlandjoshteen+14 more #1151 Things Emmett Cullen is NOT All...by Mads7.5K1461alicecullen127rosaliebella+8 more #1251 Things Emmett Cullen is NOT All...by Mads5.6K1301The eighth list that I've created of what Emmett Cullen cannot do.Completedalicebellaemmett+6 more