The Armour Zone of Remnant (Kamen...by Izumichi
In the world of Remnant. There were humans and Faunus that treated each other as enemies but they have one thing in common. They only Fear of the ruthless human species...
Kamen Rider Amazons: Gammaby -Hichimo-
This is just a story of Shirou Hiroto or better known in this story as Amazon Gamma. In this story is a crossover with Boku No Hero Academia but seeing Class 1A will be...
John Arc: Armour Zone!by Asyraf Hifzan
John Arc seems like an ordinary teen like most teens are but that couldn't be more than the truth cause behind his goofy ahh smile lies a deep dark secrets.
After two th...
High school dxd x kamen rider amaz...by amazon3623624
After season 1 the battle between amazons omega and amazons alpha is still continues but a new threat have come to kouh twon a long with all amazons mamoru created and a...