Team MKNZ (Inspired by RWBY)by aBREauna
In the fantastical yet perilous world of Remnant, four extraordinary young women-Melanie, Keisha, Neon, and Zoey-embark on a journey to become Huntresses at the prestigi...
Sohtiki Mikoshi (Book 1) IN Pu-zha
( To complete/ TO be re-edited and Continued...]
Was viewed by author on July 6th 2022 and will be re-processed and worked on July 10th of 2022 or July 16th or 17th
(Not Just) Your Average Shojoby Zukiko
Hikaru is a girl whose been shut out from the normal world her whole life. Now she has a chance to experience it at Kyou High School. Will this homeschooler be able to a...