Why Are The Anime Swords Larger Th...by Maria Zoe
Anime is a form of animation from Japan, which creates distinctive animation styles. One method is known as "cel animation" in which the drawings are traced by...
Historical Background Of The Anime...by Maria Zoe
Japan's animated anime production style is highly popular with viewers, as shown by the 3,852 hours of televised anime produced in 2006. Drawing anime sword series with...
Historical Background Of The Anime...by
Anime swords are a specific style of sword used in anime called the japanese sword, which is also known as the samurai sword. It's typically made with a tachi shape. The...
Anime Swordsby Collectible Blades
Discover high-quality replicas of iconic anime swords, crafted with precision and attention to detail. Whether you're a collector or cosplayer, these swords bring your f...
shingeki no kyojin swordby Mary Kevin
Inspired by the weapons from the anime Attack on Titan, the Shingeki no Kyojin sword is a streamlined, light blade made for accuracy and speed. Made from sturdy carbon s...
The 5 Cool Anime Swords with Fasci...by
A sword is a bladed weapon, usually designed for slashing or thrusting. There are many different styles of swords and many ways to shape them. Anime swords are simply sw...